ALiVE Mission Swap to new Dedi Server?

  1. 10 years ago

    My group is in the midst of possibly switching to a new server provider in a few weeks. Is it possible to start a persistent ALiVE campaign on one dedicated server and then move it to our new server?


  2. I believe the mission persistence data is stored in the .pbo file so I think it will transfer with no problems.

  3. Friznit

    27 Dec 2014 Administrator

    This should be fine. As SpyderBlack stated, the database stores persistence data against the mission.pbo, so changing server shouldn't be a problem. In theory anyway, since I don't know of anyone who has tried it. Please let me know how it goes!

  4. Tupolov

    28 Dec 2014 Administrator

    You need to update the IP address registered in War Room.


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