Using a spawn script with markers and "getdominantfaction"

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Ashi2017

    Hi everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone with scripting experience would be able to help me.

    Imagine I have three markers (marker1, marker2, and marker3) at various points on a map. Here's what I want to happen;

    • Every 10 minutes or so, getdominantfaction is called for every marker
    • An infantry squad of the dominant side is spawned at the center of the marker
    - I don't want Alive to take control of this group, I simply want them to stay there and defend
    • The previously spawned squad (if one exists) is removed (preventing units from pilling up over time)

    I beleive for maintainability, I could put the code in an sqf file, and just have that file called every 10 minutes or so (I have a lot more than 3 markers so I would like to maximise maintainability going forward).

    Thanks everyone.


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