I dearly apologize if this post is misplaced. I searched the forums for the error in hopes someone else encountered and found a solution, but no luck.
I'll spare you the "i'm new" bull and cut to the chase. I'm having this issue and have no idea how to fix it. I tried copying a buddies task handler file and replacing my own, but this did nothing. I've repaired the mod, uninstalled the mod, reinstalled the mod, chucked my PC out the window and put it back together again.
Everything was fine and dandy last night, but now all of the sudden auto tasking has completely stopped. Zooming around in Zeus shows that there are enemies spawning around the map, but the Player Command module is not doing it's job.
This is the initial error given when the task handler usually does it's thing:
This is the code given after replacing the file with my buddies.
I do apologize for coming off as ignorant. I literally spent my entire friday trying to figure out why auto tasker wasn't working. And since I'm not a programmer, I just couldn't figure it out.
I reiterate, I had everything working perfectly last night and was actively playing with a buddy in my mission.
I'm absolutely horrible at using forums, so don't be scared to DM me via steam; I have bookmarked this post, and followed it for email notifications. I'm not looking for someone to fix it for me, I'm glad to fix it myself if someone can walk me through it so to understand (I realize that's pretty much the same thing). But it seems every time I ask for help in the code/script department I'm met with a lot of opposition, almost scared to ask questions anymore.
If it would help that I provide a .pbo, just let me know here, or HMU on steam @ CPL.Preacher .
Many thanks for this great addition to my arma experience. I'd be (am) lost without it.
Sincerely, Preacher.
Email: [email protected]