Some script avaible?

  1. 7 years ago

    I was using this script "this addAction ["Select Assault Mission",{[_this select 1,"attacking"] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOMJoinObjective},[],1,false,true,"","true"];" to go to the commander's important objectives but honestly I do not think it's cool to be teleported from a squad.

    I wonder if there is a way to simply just show the priority objectives without having to click on the map and teleport, I would like to take my squad to the battle.

    Another 3 questions:

    What i need to ALIVE persist the objects or other things that i put with Zeus?

    Anyone know a way to make a mobile respawn point like a respawn tent, something similar a rallypoint encontered in Project Reality/SQUAD? The Arma 3 tent respawn does not persist.

    And the last one, how get ATO from MACC? I read somewhere in the forums about MACC give ATO to players if no AI assets are avaible and now in my tests if i don't put any aircraft the MACC don't create ATO's.


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