Problem with Commander's Objectives

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi all,
    I designed a mission on Altis where US army have to invade the Island held by Russian Army.
    But, after approximately 15-20 min all objectives stand on Unassigned and the US doesn't move anymore.
    They don't use the logictics module at all.
    I don't uderstand where the problem is.
    The US commander is sync with the Russian placement module and set on invasion , and the russian on occupation.

    We use an HC
    All RHS
    Spyder Addon

  2. Test without the HC running and see if you get the same results. If you can upload your server's RPT to or similar and link back here for us to look at.


    We also have a problem with combat support.
    We have 6 transport Helicopter but only 5 are showing in the menu.
    All of the 6 modules are spawning on the map.
    It always happen with transport and that's not always the same helicopter, it's random.
    The Cas module is fully effective.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by SavageCDN

    ^ is that RPT from a test after disabling the HC?

    1623	ALIVE AI Distributor starting.
    1624	ALiVE AI Distributor detected no HCs, idling for 60 seconds.

    Also you have far too many objectives in the mission which will cause issues:

    1590	ALiVE OPCOM created 598 new objectives!
    1598	ALiVE OPCOM created 1261 new objectives!
    Please lower the objective count for performance reasons, suggested is below 80!.

    RPT shows only 5 transport units spawned by ALiVE.. I am unaware of any limitation on this number... and you say it's not a specific chopper that won't spawn it seems random?

    "START TRANSPORT FSM: [vehicle_10,B Bravo 2-5,""SUPER 6-1"",[18566.5,6406.26,0],241.89,0,""RHS_UH60M"",600,"""",true,true]"
    "START TRANSPORT FSM: [vehicle_11,B Bravo 3-4,""SUPER 6-2"",[18611.9,6460.95,0],237.963,0,""RHS_UH60M"",600,"""",true,true]"
    "START TRANSPORT FSM: [vehicle_12,B VENOM1,""VENOM1"",[18544.5,6434.43,0],240.186,0,""RHS_UH1Y"",600,"""",true,true]"
    "START TRANSPORT FSM: [vehicle_13,B Charlie 1-4,""GREY1"",[18512.8,6481.19,0],233.113,0,""B_Heli_Light_01_F"",600,"""",true,true]"
    "START TRANSPORT FSM: [vehicle_14,B Charlie 2-3,""SUPER 6-3"",[18500.7,6503.79,0],230.728,0,""RHS_UH60M"",600,"""",true,true]"
  5. Edited 7 years ago by Thot

    I just disabled the HC from server not mission-side
    To reduce the number of objectives I should set some limitation in size of objectives ?
    Yes it random all chopper spawn actualy on map, but in menu we cannot acces the GREY1

    We have no performance issue the server run at 47fps.

  6. Edited 7 years ago by SavageCDN

    OK so apparently the chopper issue has been reported before - it only happens with RHS and 5 seems to be the max number of choppers. You can test this by using all vanilla assets for the choppers and report back.

    If you can try disabling the HC and see if the AI units stop moving again. What you are reporting (AI standing around) has been reported before when using an HC.

    For the objectives...yes in the placement module(s) there is a drop down to filter objectives.... set it to filter out small objectives on each module

    And FYI.... as much as we love RHS it does seem to cause strange issues with ALiVE...

  7. Ok, but I have no problem when I host the mission in local, it only happens with the dedicated.
    Is there something to do for the mission to run fine on dedicated ?

  8. That's what we're trying to figure out... this has been reported before and yes it seems to work on hosted MP but not dedicated. The problem is no one has been able to reproduce the issue with just @ALiVE and @CBA_A3 which makes it difficult to pin down. The choppers issue I believe was fixed a while back (it was happening with any type of chopper) however it only seems to happen now with RHS assets.

    One of the other testers suggested this.. might be worth a try:

    "I’ve had mixed success using the CS modules in combination with manually placing the manned choppers and syncing them to the CS module (and putting the type and callsign code into the chopper init), but the success is mixed"

  9. I tried with vanilla faction,
    In fact I don't have the chopper problem but with the same number of unit as in RHS version there is lower number active at the same time, and the problem with the commander who is iddle after som time remain in vanilla.

  10. @Thot I tried with vanilla faction,
    In fact I don't have the chopper problem but with the same number of unit as in RHS version there is lower number active at the same time, and the problem with the commander who is iddle after som time remain in vanilla.

    I’m not totally following you here. Keep in mind, the spawn numbers for groups will never be identical unless you manually place every group (group spawning is intentionally “fuzzy.”).

    If you can duplicate the issue with a frozen commander, with ALiVE and CBA only, please open a ticket on the Github and thoroughly describe what steps need to be taken to see this.

    Regarding the choppers, as far as I can tell the problem is related to RHS and only occurs in a dedicated server environment. If you see this with just ALiVE and CBA, using vanilla choppers, let us know.

  11. Jumping in here and saying I'm also experiencing this. Either the commander never assigns objectives and things stay white and yellow, or he will assign objectives initially, but the red objectives eventually turn white.

  12. @Pokey Jumping in here and saying I'm also experiencing this. Either the commander never assigns objectives and things stay white and yellow, or he will assign objectives initially, but the red objectives eventually turn white.

    Can you provide an ALiVE and CBA only mission and a detailed list of steps to see what you’re describing?


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