Problem using ACE IEDs

  1. 7 years ago

    Apologies if this has been asked before.

    I turned on third party IEDs in the IED module (which is synced to an Assymetric commander). So whilst testing the mission, I turn on the IED debug and see that only VBIEDs show up. I teleport to said location and discover and handful of IEDs scattered around the village. The problem is these IEDs seem to not blow up. I run over to a truck where the debug said a VBIED has been placed and that exploded just like expected and seemed to work fine.

    Is this an ongoing issue? Or have I done something wrong whilst setting up the module?

  2. If you can duplicate this with just ALiVE, CBA and ACE, and write a detailed list of steps for how to see the issue, then you can probably open a ticket on the ALiVE Github considering ACE is supported here pretty well.

    Do they explode when placed or spawned another way without ALiVE?


  3. I won't be able to test it until next week but I have not yet tried using the ACE IED's without ALiVE just yet.


  5. Ah, thank you. I didn’t see that post when I searched before. I’ll stick to using ALiVE IED’s for the time being.


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