Where is alive.cfg? Mission working, but no persistence.

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Shamorshin

    So I've downloaded ALiVE, added it and the ALiVE Server folders to my server's mod list, ensured that they're loading in, and I'm getting the error that the server is unable to open alive.cfg.

    For the life of me, I can't find alive.cfg anywhere. Where do I get this file? Do I need to just create an empty alive.cfg in my server's root directory?

    If not (and I assume not), where can I find this file? Googling the issue isn't helping find out where it is, and I don't see alive.cfg anywhere in the downloaded mods.

    I've been running ALiVE well with everything going fine on the mission side, except persistence is totally non-functional, despite all modules with the option to enable persistence enabled, and database saved to local. Where am I going wrong? I hope it's just that I'm missing this.

    Also, is there a way to clear out old database saves? I've changed the server name with every updated version (adding in what the players have done throughout a mission via EDEN after the mission is complete and then re-uploading the mission file as a newly named .pbo to avoid conflicts). For a few updates, we had persistence working at least for vehicles, but now there is none whatsoever following an admin-logged server save and exit.

  2. Here's my debug.

    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [info] ALiVEPlugIn v2.1a-
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [StartALiVE ['true']]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Function: StartALiVE
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] - [true]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [info] Disable Performance Monitor: true
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [info] Reading 'alive.cfg'
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] ###### HandleMessage - StartALiVE ######
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] Error: Unable to open alive.cfg
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] RAW: StartALiVE ['true']
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Return value [['StartALiVE','ERROR','Unable to open alive.cfg']]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 0ms
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerAddress]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Function: ServerAddress
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [info] ServerAddress - Querying for IP @ ipify.org
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [info] IP returned:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Return value [['']]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 37ms
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [GroupName]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Function: GroupName
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [info] GroupName:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Return value [['']]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 1ms
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSON ['GET','sys_data/config','']]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Function: SendJSON
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] - [GET]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] - [sys_data/config]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] - []
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] ###### curlGet ######
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] Error: curl_easy_perform() failed
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] RAW: URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] ###### HandleMessage - SendJSON ######
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] Error: curlGet() failed
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] RAW: ['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Return value [['SendJSON','ERROR','['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']']]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 1ms
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerName]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [debug] Function: ServerName
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [info] Config file: D:\TCAFiles\Users\DanielG2\23796\config.cfg
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [info] ServerName:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [debug] Return value [['']]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 1ms
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [StartALiVE ['true']]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Function: StartALiVE
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] - [true]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [info] Disable Performance Monitor: true
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [info] Reading 'alive.cfg'
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] ###### HandleMessage - StartALiVE ######
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] Error: Unable to open alive.cfg
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] RAW: StartALiVE ['true']
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Return value [['StartALiVE','ERROR','Unable to open alive.cfg']]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 1ms
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerAddress]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Function: ServerAddress
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [info] ServerAddress - Querying for IP @ ipify.org
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [info] IP returned:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Return value [['']]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 59ms
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [GroupName]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Function: GroupName
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [info] GroupName:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Return value [['']]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 0ms
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSON ['GET','sys_data/config','']]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Function: SendJSON
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] - [GET]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] - [sys_data/config]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] - []
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] ###### curlGet ######
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] Error: curl_easy_perform() failed
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] RAW: URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] ###### HandleMessage - SendJSON ######
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] Error: curlGet() failed
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] RAW: ['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Return value [['SendJSON','ERROR','['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']']]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 0ms
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerName]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [debug] Function: ServerName
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [info] Config file: D:\TCAFiles\Users\DanielG2\23796\config.cfg
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [info] ServerName:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [debug] Return value [['']]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 0ms

  3. Edited 7 years ago by Shamorshin

    Update: As it stands right now, we have persistence of AI-controlled units, vehicles, and I'm testing object placement. Objects placed via fortify without activating player logistics actions are not persistent.

    I don't know what was going on before. I've disabled player saving between sessions, so I respawn appropriately after server save and exit, and vehicles stay where they were. testing objects.

    • server save and exit saves some objects when picked up and dropped via player logistics actions
    • server save and exit saved player position data as appropriate, but did not do this last time. will test again.
    • player backpack with very limited supplies also dropped on the ground where player respawned. ???

    So, object permanence on server-save-and-exit is established as long as player logistics is enabled, and the object is placed, picked up, and dropped by a player. EX: I used my fortify tool to spawn an H-barrier wall segment (guess that's enabled through a mod we're using)....and just placing it does not allow it to persist. BUT -- placing it, then picking it up with the scroll wheel player logistics action, and then dropping it, allows it to persist through server-save-and-exit. Is this working as intended?

    It sucks because that means that player logistics needs to be constantly enabled, which means players can conceivably destroy the carefully made compositions I've placed for them as bases.

    Is there a way to enable and disable player logistics actions mid-mission?


  4. Pretty sure that’s exactly how it works. A player needs to “get in” and “get out” of an object for it to persist. This goes for vehicles, and picking up and dropping objects and probably other things as far as I’m aware.

    Enabling and disabling player logistics I’m not sure, you could check the wiki to see if a script is available.

    Alive.cfg is downloaded as a separate file when you go to War Room and follow the server setup instructions. As far as I know that’s the only place it’s available and it’s placed in your Arma root folder.

  5. Okay, but is alive.cfg required for the server to work, or to connect to the war room?

    I've connected to the war room, and still don't see how I'm supposed to download this necessary file.

    This is beyond frustrating because I really want this mod to work.

  6. Yes it’s required. The download link is under the 3rd step of the War Room server setup instructions.

    Login to War Room. Click Profile. Click Group details. Click Server Setup Instructions. Follow all the steps.

  7. Thanks so much. I appreciate it. For the moment, my unit has voted to move to Chernarus instead of Esseker, as I suspect that the map was a big problem.

    The biggest issue we had was that the AI commander kept pinging his units to travel to map origin instead of where they really were intended to go. I hope this was a bug and not something I have wigged out.

    Is it possible to have ALiVE running fine without connecting to the war room? As of now I've set everything to save locally. That should function the same -- just without the stats reported on the website -- right?

    Thank you so very much for getting back with me so quickly.

    ...also are there any issues with Chernarus before I pour another 80 hours into tweaking another map? haha.

  8. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Lol I think Chernarus is fine. I suppose it’s always best practice to setup a quick test and run around for a bit just to see, if you’re ever not sure on a map, but yeah lots of people use Chernarus.

    No War Room is not required for persistence. Neither is @aliveserver if saving locally. Just set the Data module to local saving instead of cloud and the mission will save to the server’s profile.


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