[PROBLEM] Scargard Indexing

  1. 7 years ago

    I follow the wiki on indexing but when starting the indexing I get the error message

    call compile (preprocessFile _file);
    I#I[">>>>>>>>>>>>>> Checking for existi...'
    Error Generic error in expression
    File \x\alive\addons\sys_indexer\fnc_indexMap.sqf [ALiVE_fnc_indexMap], line


    And as far as I understand the indexing stops. Any suggestions to solve the issue?


  2. -image-

  3. Hmm not sure. Can you practice on a map that is known to be indexable, such as Stratis? Don’t worry about actually indexing it, just start the process and see if it works then report back.

  4. Sure!
    But it went further and went angry
    Here I stopped

  5. Tried again (changed module setting to Win7 instead of Win10). No angry message this time but the same as OP on Scargard:

  6. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    That’s strategic assertion error is normal, although it’s big and red and imo I’d love to see it just removed if possible if the cause can’t be fixed because for all intents and purposes it’s harmless.

    Regarding the other errors, yeah there’s a problem. I’ll pass this off to @marceldev89 if he has a chance to weigh in because I’ve never seen this error before.

  7. At that point it's trying to load the file "@ALiVE\indexing\%1\x\alive\addons\fnc_strategic\indexes\objects.%1.sqf" where %1 is the name of the map. Verify that that file exists and has some contents in it.

    If not, try following the steps at http://alivemod.com/forum/conversation/post/23400.


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