A Bunch of Questions

  1. 6 years ago

    OK, I need some help here. I have a series of questions I need resolved. I cannot get this thing to work properly.

    1. I place the Alive module, Virtual AI System, and the C2IS module. All good. I don't believe I need anything more. I change nothing on the menus.

    2. I create an area marker and name it "BLUE1" and enter this into both the text name and the variable name. I put the marker over an airfield. I do the same for the enemy side, and name it "RED1" and locate this on another airfield.

    3. Next, I create a Military AI Commander module and place it outside of the area marker for the BLUE side. I enable debug, no persistence, invasion, unused installations, no roadblocks, constant reinforcements, no intel, faction - NATO. Nothing else changed.

    4. I create a Military AI Commander module for RED and place it near the RED marker. All menu settings are the same, except I use select "CSAT" from the faction drop down menu.

    5. Next I place a Military Placement (Mil. Obj) inside of the BLUE1 area. On the menu, I enable debug, TAOR marker "BLUE1", blacklist marker "OPF_F" (why not CSAT? I wonder) no filters (although usually I use filter medium and small for objective size and priority filter, and I wonder what the difference is, here), force size 200, weighing random, camps none, no overrides, FORCE FACTION "BLU_F" (why not "NATO" I wonder), yes HQ, no field HQ, place air units and supply yes, ambient vehicles medium.

    6. I do the same for the other side. TAOR marker "RED1", blacklist BLU_F? or NATO?, all the rest the same except force faction OPF_F? Correct? Again, why not CSAT?

    7. Ok now, do I sync the Commander module to the Placement module, or visa versa? Does it matter? Does the location of the Placement module matter? I have seen videos of people doing it both ways. I take a guess, and sync the commander TO the Placement module, as I want the friendly side to defend the friendly airbase. I do the same for the enemy side. I locate the placement markers on their respective airbases, somewhere off the runway in a clear, flat area.

    8. I then sync the friendly commander mod to the enemy military placement module, and do the same for the opposite side.

    9. I create and place a military logistics module next to the commander modules and change nothing except setting the air transport to "faction only". (I read somewhere to do this, and I have no idea what it does or means). I next sync this friendly Logistic module to the friendly Commander module, and I sync the enemy Logistic module to the enemy Commander module.

    10. I create a friendly force guy and place him on the friendly airbase. I save the scenario and start it. I immediately get errors saying:

    (A big red one) - "fx [ALIVE] (SYS_patrolrep) L Charlie 2-3:1
    Only one module template allowed"
    and smaller errors on the left side saying:

    "Need to include locations within the TAOR marker"

    "There are zero objectives for this OPCOM (BLU_F) instance. Assign military or civilian placement objectives!"

    "There are zero objectives for this OPCOM (OPF_F) instance. Assign military or civilian placement objectives!"

    I double check the Alive supported maps and see that yes, Panthera is on the list.

    I double check all of my module selections and syncs and they are indeed as I explained above.

    So what am I doing wrong?

    I have further questions about selecting other factions. I have loaded USA (Army - W) into my mods list. However, on the Military AI Commander module, the drop-down factions menu, USA (Army -W) isn't anywhere on the list. Do I select "none" and then enter USA (Army - W) in the override box? If I do, how will this affect what I type into the other modules? Do I then have to go to the RED Military Placement module and change the blacklist to "USA (Army -W)? Or do I leave it saying "BLU_F"?

    What about on the friendly Military Placement module? Do I have to go to each override box for infantry, armor, motorized, mechanized, etc, and change all of these to USA (Army -W)?

    Very confusing. And this is without adding any other modules such as Logistics or Air Component Commander, and Combat Support. I have further issues with these, as well.

    And then for the friendly Air Component Commander module - is this linked TO the friendly AI Commander module, or visa versa?

    Does the Player combat support module need to be linked TO the air component module? I always leave the combat support module linked only FROM the Player Combat Support (artillery, CAS, and transport) modules to the main Combat Support module.

    Does the Military Logistics module need to be linked to the Air Component Commander module?

    I guess that is plenty enough questions, for now.

    Thanks, Andrew

  2. OK, I found I had a second main Alive module that somehow got dropped to the edge of the screen. I removed that, and the big red square warning disappeared, yet the errors on the bottom left are still there.

  3. I highly recommend the wiki although not perfect it will address some of these issues.

    For your objectives not showing make sure your TAOR markers cover a decent area (it's probably not covering any objectives). Turn on debug in the placement modules and make a test TAOR covering the entire map - when you preview this will show you all the 'locations'

  4. Edited 6 years ago by BvB

    5. Next I place a Military Placement (Mil. Obj) inside of the BLUE1 area. On the menu, I enable debug, TAOR marker "BLUE1", blacklist marker "OPF_F" (why not CSAT? I wonder) no filters (although usually I use filter medium and small for objective size and priority filter, and I wonder what the difference is, here), force size 200, weighing random, camps none, no overrides, FORCE FACTION "BLU_F" (why not "NATO" I wonder), yes HQ, no field HQ, place air units and supply yes, ambient vehicles medium.

    6. I do the same for the other side. TAOR marker "RED1", blacklist BLU_F? or NATO?, all the rest the same except force faction OPF_F? Correct? Again, why not CSAT?

    Blacklist is to use a marker, not a faction. Eg if you made a huge marker but wanted to exclude a town, you'd place a marker over that town, and include it in the blacklist section. ;) As far as BLU_F instead of NATO, that portion is using the faction naming used within the config files of the game.

    @aah11b 7. Ok now, do I sync the Commander module to the Placement module, or visa versa? Does it matter? Does the location of the Placement module matter? I have seen videos of people doing it both ways. I take a guess, and sync the commander TO the Placement module, as I want the friendly side to defend the friendly airbase. I do the same for the enemy side. I locate the placement markers on their respective airbases, somewhere off the runway in a clear, flat area.

    8. I then sync the friendly commander mod to the enemy military placement module, and do the same for the opposite side.

    Always sync TO the commander. Eg sync placement module to NATO and opfor commander. Sync logistics module to commander, etc. Placement can matter for logistics and commander module. They will try to use a nearby objective, HQ for commander, logistics for insertion. Latter is especially important if using static logistics mode.

    @aah11b 9. I create and place a military logistics module next to the commander modules and change nothing except setting the air transport to "faction only". (I read somewhere to do this, and I have no idea what it does or means). I next sync this friendly Logistic module to the friendly Commander module, and I sync the enemy Logistic module to the enemy Commander module.

    Setting faction only means they will only use transport assets of that faction. If set to side, they can use any assets from that side. Eg if you had a mod that added Germany to BLUFOR, and used them with faction only, only German transport (if any) would be used. If set to side, than each asset is randomly selected. One transport/truck may be NATO, the next German, etc.

    @aah11b I have further questions about selecting other factions. I have loaded USA (Army - W) into my mods list. However, on the Military AI Commander module, the drop-down factions menu, USA (Army -W) isn't anywhere on the list. Do I select "none" and then enter USA (Army - W) in the override box? If I do, how will this affect what I type into the other modules? Do I then have to go to the RED Military Placement module and change the blacklist to "USA (Army -W)? Or do I leave it saying "BLU_F"?

    Yes, you would select none in the dropdown list (that's just for quickly choosing default/non mod factions) , then use the faction name in the override. As said before, factions don't go in blacklist. ;) As for what goes in the faction override, you'll need the "real" (Config file) name of the faction, this would be something like USA_W or somesuch, no spaces. You can get this in the editor by selecting a unit of the faction and then selecting copy faction to clipboard. But, it will also copy quotation marks etc that you'll need to remove.

    @aah11b What about on the friendly Military Placement module? Do I have to go to each override box for infantry, armor, motorized, mechanized, etc, and change all of these to USA (Army -W)?

    You do need to set the faction in the placement module, each module can have a different faction even for the same side (but make sure all factions are set in the commander's override list). The unit/group overrides (INF, MECH etc) are to set a specific number of that type of group to be placed within the objectives of that module. leaving blank ALIVE will set them based on force size and type. You can also overide some of them, eg set size 200, infantry, but then set an override of 5 armor.

    For logistics, sync to commander. For Air Tasking, sync to commander. ATO you can set whether or not it will place aircraft automatically, and whether they will be replaced (using the logistics system, but don't sync logistics to commander, he's good people and takes care of it for you :). Combat support is separate, it is at the top of it's module chain, you sync the various support types to it (arty, CAS, transport). You can use it on it's own, even if you don't use ALIVE commanders etc in a given mission. Player logistics doesn't get synced, it just enables it and allows settings for what the player can call in.

  5. FYI, syncing direction doesn't matter. It'll work both ways.

    As for the placement faction dropdown list thingy, you don't have to set it to "NONE" (but you can), the faction override always takes precedence.

    Other than that; :+1:

  6. Edited 6 years ago by aah11b

    Good stuff. I'll look into this and likely be back for a follow up. Thanks a lot.


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