Bornholm nicht kompatibel

  1. 10 years ago
    Edited 10 years ago by Marko

    Hallo seid wann ist Bornholm V 1.3 nicht mehr mit ALIVE kompatibel?
    Ich wollte heute eine Mission bauen und er hat Bornholm nicht mit ALVE geladen.

  2. Friznit

    4 Mar 2015 Administrator

    We've had a lot of problems getting Bornholm to work with ALiVE. The latest dev build may have fixed it. Expect a patch soon™.

  3. Ok Thanks for the hint . We use as long as the Borholm v 1.2. You have a super mod. Keep it that way. Sorry is Goggel translation.

  4. Still not loading , using 1.3 and have tried all factions.

  5. try the bornholm version 1.2 works.
    We use the clan also the version 1.2. in mp mode we also have the 1.2

  6. Friznit

    10 Mar 2015 Administrator

    We just released patch 1.9.6 with yet another re-index of Bornholm so you could try that.

    It's getting to the point where we're losing the will to live with that map though!

  7. LoL Friz,

    I can understand that, losing the will to want to create a mission on that map.

  8. Guys the map loads with default ALIVE mods on 0.9.6, I will try and make a mission to see how far I get and update.

  9. Confirmed, Bornholm 1.3 works with ALIVE 0.9.6! Great job guys!

  10. Good to know thanks

  11. Friznit

    10 Mar 2015 Administrator



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