Revive scripts and multispawn

  1. 10 years ago

    Hi. Anyone found a revive script that plays nice with Multispawn?

    I tried BTC Revive with an Multispawn insertion and it messed with BTC Revive, I spawned in the heli with the revive script already running; the script thought I died when it moved me to Multispawn's heli insertion.

    I'm about to try Grimes Simple Revive, but that has respawn scripts as well. I tried deleting them out of the revive_init.sqf but the mission fails on launch when I attempt a load in the editor.

    Any suggestions would be great. Just want a revive script with no respawn stuff. Thanks

  2. It's been a while since I've tried this.. have you checked out Psycho's A3 Wounding script?

  3. 9 years ago

    I use Farooq's revive and it seems to work OK with the exception that the revive script seems to be no longer supported and if you are moving when you get killed/unconscious when you revive/respawn your player/character/toon will be moving constantly in that direction until you press the key for that direction. I just ran into SRS (Simple Revive Script for Arma 3) but haven't tested it with ALiVE yet.


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