Persistence blacklist

  1. 10 years ago

    On our server when people abort instead of player exit, it drops all their gear on the ground. Also people are just messy. After a few weeks the map is cluttered with 1000s of items strewn about the map and the base.

    Is there a way to blacklist certain classes from being persisted, or perhaps add them to the list of things that will be considered by the garbage collector?

  2. If you have the garbage collector running, I'm pretty sure everything should get cleaned up.

  3. Edited 10 years ago by doubleDizz

    I left a pretty basic co-op mission open yesrerday fir 12 hours. I loaded it adter that and found PCMLs and TITAN launchers all over the joint. The garbage collector hadnt bothered with them.

    These items were in the BLU_F TAOR if that makes a difference.

    EDIT: The launcher debris was from players. I have an addaction script that let's the player insta-equip launchers for rogue tanks and the airfield looked to have been assaulted by a tank group haha

  4. GC seems to be working fine, dead bodies are collected. Its just weapons and magazines aren't being collected, and are instead being persisted.

  5. Friznit

    10 Mar 2015 Administrator

    Will look into this. Weapon detritus should be the first thing to get cleared up!

  6. I see. I'll look into it on my end as well to make sure I'm not misdiagnosing. They definitely get persisted, but it may just be that no one ever gets far enough away for GC to do its job.

    Thanks for the reply.

  7. I combine ALiVE's GC with Repetitive Cleanup script and it works quite well.

  8. So its definitely not cleaning up all weapons, in fact some people cleaned it all up manually, yet after server save and exit, they reappeared in greater numbers. Not sure whats happening but there was way more junk on the ground after a restart than there was before.

    Should GC be clearing these up, or should they just not be getting persisted? Is there any variables I can monitor or functions I can run manually to see whats going on?

    @zyg0tic Thanks for the tip I'll try that out.

  9. 9 years ago

    Was intentional as it could interfere with logistics. The weapons on ground were those that players interacted with before, and therefore were stored to DB.

    You can already delete certain non-unit/vehicle objects like GroundWeaponHolders, Ace Bananas and so on like this...
    Just put a list in the bottom field, eg: Box_NATO_Wps_F, Box_NATO_AmmoOrd_F, GroundWeaponHolder

    GroundWeaponHolder are the weapons
    I also changed it a bit so it will remove it wether or not those objects have been destroyed (in upcoming release).

    -Highhead from ALiVE bug tracker.


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