Player combat logistic issue

  1. 10 years ago
    Edited 10 years ago by Alex

    this is my first post here, so in the beginning i would to thank you for this huge and cool mod!!
    I'm working on a campaign for my clan and i have an issue with the LOGCOM, i followed the tutorial and wiki setup but in game when i call any type of reinforcement, the answer from OPCOM is always "Request denied,LOGCOM is still setting up." Any suggestion?
    The campaign is an invasion style, so the first mission is without the BLU_F TAOR.

  2. I'm a mission maker too, also still getting my head around all the modules.

    LOGCOM is Military Logistics, yeah? And when you say you "call any type of reinforcement", are you doing that through the Combat Support option with the ALiVE Tablet (or Laser Designator)?

    Has LOGCOM got a location to supply from? Without a TAOR, I dont know if the AI Commander can designate an airfield or port for the reinforcements to enter the battlespace from.

    Read the second half of this page to make sure you got everything set up right:

  3. Edited 10 years ago by Alex

    LOGCOM is Military Logistics, yeah? And when you say you "call any type of reinforcement", are you doing that through the Combat Support option with the ALiVE Tablet (or Laser Designator)?

    Yes your suppositions are true.

    Has LOGCOM got a location to supply from? Without a TAOR, I dont know if the AI Commander can designate an airfield or port for the reinforcements to enter the battlespace from.

    This make sense, the LOGCOM don't have any airfield or port in the first missions, so one walkthroug is to put USSNimitz or similar and create BLU_F TAOR on it.

  4. Friznit

    10 Mar 2015 Administrator

    You can always place a high priority Custom Objective (with or without a composition) and sync that to the Military AI Commander. If you set the prio very high such as 9999, then this will become the default starting point for Military Logistics.

    The AI Commander will still need at least one group to capture and hold that location before it can be used for Logistics drops. Turn debug on if you want to check it's happening.

  5. Ok Friznit thank you for the tip, I try it as soon as possible and report back!


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