ALIVE 0.96 Missing Modules "Admin Actions" and "Profile System"???

  1. 10 years ago

    Hi folks,

    Been trying to follow the Tutorial videos by ARJay on the Wiki site but in the 1st video there are 2 modules he places in the sample mission called "Admin Actions" and "Profile System" that are not present in my version/copy of the ALIVE Modules drop down menu when i try to exactly copy the actions in the video.

    Also, my version uses the "ALIVE Modules" menu option rather than "ALIVE Systems" shown in the video?

    As far as i know I have installed the latest version of both ALIVE itself and the ALIVEServer plugin?


    and server plugin downloaded and installed via Play with Six tonight?

    I understand from a reply i got on the BI forum thread that "Profile System" now comes under Virtual AI System? Is this correct?

    No sign of "Admin Actions" module though?

    Couldn't find anything in the latest Changelog about this either and in the ALIVE mod install folder there are still .pbo's for both these modules by the looks of it?

    It seems that without these modules to place in a mission i can't get any AI units to auto-generate etc? Is there a different procedure for this than that shown in the video tutorials?

    Please can you tell me if this is a bug or whether i'm missing some other file or download etc?

    Many thanks for this outstanding mod, just hope i can get it working? Am sure it's something simple? Hopefully?

  2. Those modules are outdated. Follow the Quick Start guide here to better understand how to build your mission in the editor.

  3. Hi there,

    Ok, thanks very much for clearing that up. Much appreciated!


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