Asymmetric Warfare Environment

  1. 10 years ago

    How can i use the Asymmetric Warfare Environment ?

    Is this still in progress ?

    I want to use this features:

    Roadblocks - establishing roadblocks in controlled zones (the equivalent of a military TAOR) will enable insurgents to dominate the local civilian population and establish rudimentary defences against opposition forces.

    Weapons Depots - insurgents will attempt to cache ammunition and weapons at hidden locations throughout the AO, which will be used to equip newly recruited fighters.

    IED Factories - IED making facilities will be established in hidden locations throughout the AO. IEDs are the insurgent's preferred method of attack on opposition forces.

    Ambushes - Insurgents will attempt to ambush military patrols and convoys in the open, using a combination of IEDs or hit and run attacks.

    Assaults - Raids on military outposts and patrol bases are one way insurgents can acquire new weapons and equipment.

    Recruitment HQ - If the insurgents are allowed to establish a Recruitment HQ near to a civilian objective, they will recruit new armed fighters from amongst the civilian population.

    Coercion - Insurgent cells will coerce disgruntled civilians into becoming suicide bombers, rogue shooters and saboteurs.

    And how i can get Objectives to destroy/eliminate a IED Factory for example ?

    Ps: Great Mod ! Awsome Work Guys! I am looking all the time for a Addon like this !!

  2. Already answered on BI Forums but just in case more people stumble upon this thread here is what Friznit posted 3/16/15

    "Still work in progress. Closed Testing will be starting soon™. Please note that any features on the wiki page are subject to change as the module gets finalised."


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