Combat Logistics Issue

  1. 10 years ago

    Hello Everyone,

    I am really enjoying this mod, so thanks to the devs in advance. I have support working and no issues other than the Combat Logistics. I know their is a similar thread from a while ago stating you have to be on the same faction as your AI Commander and military logistics modules.

    Last night I had a mission going to test combat logistics. I was a blufor officer and once I got the combat logistics to actually work! I called in an air drop hunter and did a heli insertion with a blufor rifle squad, which then joined my officer no problems at all.

    I saved the mission then decided to rename it and start trying to make it work with Massi's spec ops units, the mas_us_rang group. No luck there, as when the faction option was selected no groups were available.

    So I played around with classnames, etc. and couldnt get anything to work. I decided to go back to the original "working" mission with blufor units and it wouldnt work anymore either, although I was careful to save it exactly the way I had it working before.

    I have read through the wiki and I cannot find anything helpful, I'm confident I have it setup the way they suggest. I'm open to any input and would really like to get the combat logistics working!


  2. Also the issue I have is I get no reply. The TAOR Is setting up, blufor controls military points and I have the debug set and all else seems to be working correctly.

  3. Edited 10 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    So the unit you are playing as is still the same faction as the virtual commander?

    I don't see what else could be causing this issue, if you can make sure your mission uses only vanilla assets(only CBA and ALiVE required to play), then I could take a look to see what's causing the issue.

  4. Yes. I will try it again tonight and if I still have no luck I could send you the pbo. Is that what you will need?

  5. Yes the .pbo should do.

  6. I'll be out of town for the next couple days, I will try to send it to you this weekend


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