M.O.R's annoying questions

  1. 10 years ago

    Hiho guys. First of all, you're sick.. Greatest thing I've seen for a long time. I already asked on the BIS Forums and I'm really sorry if I will ask a lot of questions in the near future.. But hey, you won't be bored during the day :) .. I really need to get familiar with all the modules.

    First thing Civs:
    So I placed both , civ placement and population, without a marker( in first case the whole map) everything seemed to work regarding generated zones.. I went to a town, but no Civ spawned in for some reason.
    I also tried the marker for TAOR, cause I only wanted to have it for one town.. Got the message: " warning no locations found for placement, you need to inlcude civilian locations within the TAOR marker" .. What might that be?!

    Cheers I love you guys

  2. GunnyDev

    18 Mar 2015 Administrator

    Hi Mate,

    Thanks for your kind comments.

    What Map are you using?
    Send me a link to your mission with just ALiVE and CBA and I'll take a look.


  3. I am having this same problem running on Clafghan, with CAF aggressors and about 12 other mods. Any help would be appreciated

  4. GunnyDev

    20 Mar 2015 Administrator

    Please supply a repro mission with using just ALiVE and CBA.

  5. Clafghan is a funny map.. it may be that civs don't work properly (I seem to recall issues in A2 MSO as well). I would test with just ALiVE, CBA and the map to see if you can get civs to spawn.

  6. Edited 10 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Civs work on Clafghan just fine. I have been running a Clafghan Insurgency mission with my small crew for the past few patches and civilians have worked well every time. The only issue for Takistani buildings is that sometimes the civs will spawn underground. This does not apply to 100% of them though, usually like 5-10% of them.

  7. Here are two demo missions, one for vanilla arma and one for Clafghan

    Stratis: http://www.mediafire.com/download/mzh3j3ejilg582f/Stratis+Civilian+Demo.Stratis.rar

    Clafghan: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ke3cydzsu3jdddf/Clafghan+Civilian+Demo.clafghan.rar

  8. 9 years ago

    Civs work on Clafghan just fine. I have been running a Clafghan Insurgency mission with my small crew for the past few patches and civilians have worked well every time. The only issue for Takistani buildings is that sometimes the civs will spawn underground. This does not apply to 100% of them though, usually like 5-10% of them.

    I can attest to that. Was running the map CLAfghan with my group for literally two months and no problems at all. Let me tell ya, it was awesome. My group ran about 40 mods in our ops and everything ran just fine.

  9. Just for my own interest.. did you manage to get CAS working on Clafghan? No issues with fixed wing and the airport?

  10. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    You must use a type of aircraft that is able to build up enough speed quick enough to rise over the hill at the end of the airstrip. You must also spawn aircraft in the patch of grass that the ATC tower is located on as it seems the taxiway is located there and AI don't seem to want to take off without using it first.

  11. Sorry for the Necro, but I was having issues with fixed wing CAS last night, on clafghan. By the "patch of grass" do you mean the patch in between the runway, and what would be the real taxiway? I was putting my aircraft in front of the far side hangars (right by the end of the runway), and when I would call CAS, they would taxi about 3 feet and stop, wondering if I need to move them.... I just assumed that maybe CAS was for helo's only. Sorry, fairly new to Alive.

  12. Friznit

    29 Jul 2015 Administrator

    ArmA AI and taxiing planes really don't mix. You have to ensure the taxiway is completely clear of obstructions for about a gazillion miles either side otherwise the AI will go into meltdown and just stop. On Clafghan the taxiway is even more funky - basically put the CAS module for jets next to the ATC and it should taxi and take off. In theory.

  13. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    By the "patch of grass" do you mean the patch in between the runway, and what would be the real taxiway?

    Yep that's exactly what I meant. If I had put the planes in any other position in that entire area they would just refuse to take-off and keep trying to taxi into that patch of grass (they would get stuck on the ATC tower). So, I got it to work by putting them in the patch of grass facing the south (as Friz said). They would taxi about halfway down, then turn onto the runway and take-off. Then you move onto trying to find an AI-manned aircraft that can take off fast enough to not hit the mountain :)

    OT: While looking for a map of clafghan so I could point of the location of exactly where I put my CAS module, I found this ALiVE CQB mess on Fallujah, that might take awhile to clear

  14. lol that's an image I took some time ago to prove to someone that CQB worked fine on Fallujah... had every CQB setting maxed out... even when zooming in the amount of text on the screen was staggering :)

  15. Awesome, I may just leave the CAS to the helo's then..... Thanks for the response!

  16. lol this is something I've been having trouble with too, I place the A-10 on the grassy patch between the ATC and the runway and have it facing south but it goes just past the ATC, go on the runway, accelerate and then smash into the wall XD

  17. It's really spotty with Clafghan. Unfortunately, if I'm remembering right, even if you get to the A-10 to takeoff, it won't be able to clear the mountain :/

  18. @SpyderBlack723 You must use a type of aircraft that is able to build up enough speed quick enough to rise over the hill at the end of the airstrip. You must also spawn aircraft in the patch of grass that the ATC tower is located on as it seems the taxiway is located there and AI don't seem to want to take off without using it first.

    I remember taking off in the A-10 in Arma 2 and I usually would take off heading south or barely make over the mountain heading north lol


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