Tasks/Objectives no more?

  1. 10 years ago

    I am using ALIVE since its naive days. Previously, when you put down your side's opcom he would issue orders to even the player. But now, those functions are gone? The AI are automatically ordered by the Opcom. No tasks for the player unit? Or am I missing something?

    Thank you.

  2. I think the "C2ISTAR" module handles all the player tasks now. http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Command_%26_Control

  3. Correct Viktor... place the C2ISTAR module then open up to check out all the options. Please keep in mind that player tasking is still a WIP and will contain errors.

  4. 9 years ago

    Thanks guys. Litttleeeeeee help needed:

    1. I see options like "Item required to activate" and it has "Laser Designator" in it. Even in C2ISTAR. If i equip the laser designator then how to open C2ISTAR tablet? I am confused why is the designator needed?

    2. Oh and I am unable to open admin actions now even by assigning to custom key 20. And in "Config Addons" under Control settings also doenst have the admin actions setting in Alive list. Any workarounds?

  5. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    1. I see options like "Item required to activate" and it has "Laser Designator" in it. Even in C2ISTAR. If i equip the laser designator then how to open C2ISTAR tablet? I am confused why is the designator needed?

    The "Required Item" is basically just a method used to limit access to the C2ISTAR interface. I usually just set it to itemRadio so that any unit with a radio item (pretty much everybody) can access C2ISTAR. You can open the C2ISTAR interface by following the below instruction to bind the key and then hitting that key. It will open a menu with several actions including C2ISTAR.

    2. Oh and I am unable to open admin actions now even by assigning to custom key 20. And in "Config Addons" under Control settings also doenst have the admin actions setting in Alive list. Any workarounds?

    "Open Menu" is the key you'll want to assign from the ALiVE section of the configure addons menu.

  6. Thank you but I remember never seeing "Open Menu" under configure addons' Alive section menu as I went through all the options there. I will try tonight again. And I am pretty sure I am running the latest CBA.

  7. If there is no option for binding "Open Menu" under configure addons then re-download the latest versions of CBA and ALiVE to rule out a faulty download. If there is still no option to assign it then we'll go from there.

  8. Ok so the Open menu works after downloading the latest CBA. Thanks :D


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