It feels like I'm trying to wash a floor while wearing dirty shoes.
I created a new mission, the only things in the mission are a playable unit, ALiVE required, Virtual AI system, Mil AI commander, Mil Placement (civ obj), Mil Placement (mil obj), CQB module and a TAOR marker. The civ + mil objs and the CQB modules are linked to the commander. In the mission folder there is the mission.sqf, init.sqf and the staticData.sqf (not in a folder).....
This is the init.sqf
if (isServer || isDedicated) then {
["MISSION INIT - Waiting"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump;
waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"};
["MISSION INIT - Continue"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump;
call compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "staticData.sqf");
This is the staticdata.sqf
The only thing I've changed is the infantry section, by deleting the contents below and replacing them with the _des alternative, though I'm wondering why they weren't included in the version below. The default rhs_faction_vdv spawn a selection of the four variations of units, including the random _des unit here and there.
original version infantry
I tried _TRUE, put the data.sqf in a script folder and a few variations, but it's always the same result. Plus I'm thinking, even if I got the infantry part working, would the vehicles be populated with usual default troops?