

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Sat Jun 27 14:20:36 2015
    C Chickenchief posted in Stuck on saving persistence..

    The mission is not that big, and i have had the same numbers of units on Takistan without problem before, and i know this is a completely fresh mission so that should not be the issue.

    In any case, here are the links to the respective files you need to take a look at:

    Server rpt:

    Alive log:

  2. Sat Jun 27 13:14:23 2015
    C Chickenchief started the conversation Stuck on saving persistence..


    We have a little problem with one of our missions, and i was hoping to get some help on the matter. Whenever we try to server save and exit, the saving process stops at saving ALiVE persistence. We know that every module is set up correctly, there is nothing in the alive.log that is out of the norm, we get an ALiVE welcome message that says that it has synced our profile correctly and we can even see the battlefeed update the way it should on our war room. Despite all this, we can not save our progress.

    Any help would be great.

  3. Mon Apr 27 11:52:17 2015
    C Chickenchief posted in Units not patrolling on our server..

    That is our setup right now. Os perfmon is off, but perfmon is on.

    On our last session we had an average of 20-30 frames on our server, and our cps had an average of around 4. The lowest cps we got was 0.134

  4. Sun Apr 26 17:52:15 2015
    C Chickenchief posted in Units not patrolling on our server..

    We had some issues in the past with War room not connecting properly in the past, and the tip we got was to turn off Perf monitoring off. So to answer your question, no we do not have perf monitoring on in the data module. Our CBA versions are the latest both on the clients and the server.

  5. Sun Apr 26 15:48:57 2015
    C Chickenchief started the conversation Units not patrolling on our server..

    Hi. I have a problem that i would like some input on.

    When i set up my persistent campaign in the editor all the units spawn in just fine, and i can see that they are all patrolling the way they should. However, when i play on my server the units just stand still when they spawn in. When they take fire, they don't move from the spot they initially spawned in on. Our server, and the mission has the latest version of ALiVE running.

    Any help would be great.

  6. Mon Apr 20 23:27:34 2015
    C Chickenchief started the conversation Missions not connecting up to war room..

    Hello people. I need some help with an issue that you guys are no doubt a stranger to. The missions i make do not connect up to the war room, even though everything is set up as it should be (database modules, AI etc etc...). Now, i have tried running the missions prepackaged with ALiVE and they work fine with my dedicated server, and they connect to the war room. However, the thing that differs between these missions and my mission is that the prepackaged ones do not have a database module. I don't know if that matters, but i felt like pointing it out.

    In the past my ALiVE missions worked flawlessly with persistence, but now they are not working as intended even when with freshly created missions on the newest version.

    I am completely stumped on what might be the issue, so i would love it if i could get some help on the matter.

    If you need to look at a mission file, then i can supply you with this. This is created with the latest version of ALiVE.

    Thanks again.

  7. 10 years ago
    Fri Mar 13 13:44:03 2015
    C Chickenchief started the conversation Server not connecting properly to war room..

    Hi, i have a problem with ALiVE not connecting properly to the war room, resulting in the server save process being stuck on "saving player logistics". I also can not see the server information coming through to the war room.

    The main thing that bothers me is that me and my group has played a couple of missions on our ALiVE campaign and it has been working fine, but after the latest update i redid all the modules and started our mission again. After i uploaded the new version of our mission (with the same pbo name as the last one), the persistence and War room connection does not work. I think that it is very odd that it does not work properly, when we had no problem with it before the update.

    Now, i have a possible cause, but i would like a some feedback from a dev. Because of our hosting provider we can not update the mods ourselves, so we have to get them to update them for us (they are nervous if they don't have full control over dll files). The current server version is, while the clients run + 006 and we do get a warning when we connect. Does this sound like the main source of the issue?

    Thanks again.

  8. Fri Mar 13 13:27:22 2015
    C Chickenchief joined the forum.