[email protected]


Last active 10 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Thu Nov 6 01:45:16 2014

    HUZZAH! I thought that's what the blacklist function was for.

  2. Wed Nov 5 21:44:34 2014

    After re-reading my question, I think I could've explained it better. Each time an objective is captured, the mission ends. Then I start a new one with that objective captured but a clean map. I don't want to put ally AI in certain objectives but I also don't want alive to spawn enemies in there. Anywhere around that? There's no module that does, mark an area where alive will leave alone? If not, maybe think about adding one?

  3. Wed Nov 5 00:10:53 2014
    A [email protected] started the conversation Setting up a DeadZone.

    I am making up a campaign that will consist of multiple missions. Each mission you are to "capture" towns or areas of interest. Is there a function where I can make a deadzone so that alive doesn't spawn enemies at? Like, if the allies capture a random town, can I put a zone over it so that alive doesn't spawn at it and yet have ally ai spawn there?

  4. Wed Nov 5 00:01:57 2014
    A [email protected] joined the forum.