

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Thu Mar 26 03:27:51 2015

    Did you turn on debug for that module?

  2. Wed Mar 25 22:33:41 2015

    Yeah, I started the server up, it is set to load only this mission. I connected and joined the mission, it hung after downloading the mission, I waited like 15 minutes. Then I went to watch the new Hobbit movie on PPV (which is like what 2.5hrs?)and then came back.. it was still on the mission loading screen (it said the mission was fully downloaded, but progress bar was still there, hit esc and then rejoined the server. At this point the server was still in "creating". Waited, heard things going on around me and my footsteps, but no visuals, just the loading screen. Went to go grab a quick dinner, back in 15 or so and I'm in.

    So it looks like the mission just flat out fails to start the first time a user connects, but a subsequent connect kicks it off properly. The entire rpt file is too large to put on pastebin, let me see if I can find an alternative

  3. Wed Mar 25 17:09:12 2015
    O osiris started the conversation First player into mission hangs, and Zeus not working.

    Been struggling a bit with the first player onto my server. The mission starts loading and then will hang. At this point, the player has to exit via killing arma. If the player then connects a second time, it will get to a point to where you can hear things around the player, and even walk, but what the player sees is the loading screen. Now, to get out of this, the player has to kill arma through the task manager. After a third connection, the mission loads and plays as it should.

    Now, thinking that it's the server just getting the mission loaded and going, I waited an hour after the first connect and tried the second, no go, had to go a third time

    Also Zeus, simply makes a bell sound when I hit Y when logged into the server as admin.

    I do not get this when I host the mission on my local PC and the first player connects there, also Zeus works fine.

    So am I missing anything with this server configuration?

  4. Wed Mar 25 16:46:47 2015

    Hmm, well looks like I might have to dive into the scripting aspect of Arma then hehe.

    I'll have to investigate the ASR_AI3 mod, I already have so many mods on my server that my buddies will light up the torches if I add another one lol

  5. Tue Mar 24 15:18:43 2015
    O osiris posted in Multiple RHS Factions.

    You shouldn't have to have more than one AI commander, the faction list will take multiple factions in that module separated by a commas. So for example for my OPFOR AI commander I have ..... rhs_faction_vdv,rhs_faction_msv

    Place one mil and/or civ objective module for each faction and sync each of them to the AI commander and the OPFOR AI commander so that each knows about the objectives. That's all you should have to do.

    A bit of a warning however, this will increase your objective count, effectively doubling it with two factions so you may see performance issues....I had to raise my filtering level, but am still well over the recommended 80

  6. Tue Mar 24 13:37:34 2015
    O osiris posted in Multiple RHS Factions.

    I've been struggling with this for days as well. As far as I can tell Military and Civilian objectives only support one faction, you have to make an mil and civ objective for each faction and sync with the AI commander, which has all the factions you want in the faction list for that side (comma delimited) and then of the OPFOR AI commander

    Now I am struggling with the faction setup of RHS, some factions are missing types of units so if you put them in, you'll get a message stating it can't find a unit type (mechanized, armor, sea, etc). Alive only supports the msv and vdv factions, so some RHS units can't be used in Alive modules.

    1. RHS organizes its units into many factions
    2. Alive uses factions to determine deployment, when trying to use a faction without certain types of equipment that Alive wants to deploy, you will get a message saying as much. At that point Alive may deploy non RHS equipment to fill the gaps, IE IFRIT, HEMTT, etc.
  7. Sun Mar 22 02:02:31 2015
    O osiris started the conversation AI soldiers/vehicles blocking fixed wing aircraft.

    How to prevent AI soldiers/vehicles from standing on runways?

    Happens a lot, fixed wing aircraft get stuck and there is really no way to police the area during missions. I see a lot of AI just standing around anyway in open fields, roads, etc, not something a real soldier would do and it looks kinda odd. Is there a plan to make them change positions occasionally or at least find some type of cover when that go to static positions? I know this is part of Arma in regards to objects in standoff with one another.

  8. Sat Mar 21 19:27:41 2015
    O osiris joined the forum.