

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Tue Jun 16 19:43:37 2015
    L Lordmungus posted in Crossroad Notifications.

    Woops sorry guys, I meant sides in the first post (edited). I have an independent side and a blufor side and players on the independent side are able to see what blufor players are requesting.

  2. Tue Jun 16 19:21:57 2015
    L Lordmungus posted in Crossroad Notifications.

    I think alive needs more multi faction/side support. Ideally I would like seperate player combat support and combat logistics for different factions/sides (sync to respective ai commander for example).

  3. Tue Jun 16 19:14:19 2015
    L Lordmungus posted in Crossroad Notifications.

    Yes Savage, it seems to be a global notification but on side channel. I don't see a way around this which is quite annoying.

  4. Tue Jun 16 15:29:19 2015
    L Lordmungus started the conversation Crossroad Notifications.

    Hi, is there anyway of making crossroad notifications restricted to the side? I have two playable sides and I don't want the one faction knowing where the other side is sending reinforcements, transport, supplies etc.

    If not what is the best way to counter this?

    Edit: Sides not factions

  5. Mon Jun 15 14:26:37 2015
    L Lordmungus posted in Reinforcement level variable.

    Thanks I'll give it a try

  6. Mon Jun 15 12:20:27 2015
    L Lordmungus started the conversation Reinforcement level variable.

    Is there a way to change this variable outside of missions and support modules? I would like to change it manually through when using ai recruitment scripts.

  7. Sat Apr 11 14:28:11 2015
    L Lordmungus started the conversation Can I exclude certain missions from being generated?.

    I'm having issues with the defend mission not showing up on the map properly. I use the C2ISTAR module to auto-task blufor againsta fia opfor. Is there anyway I can exclude certain missions from being generated?

  8. Sat Apr 11 14:24:36 2015
    L Lordmungus joined the forum.