

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Sat Mar 4 16:07:27 2017
    T Twelvecaliber posted in Saving Methods.

    I see. This is unfortunate, thanks for the information though.

  2. Wed Mar 1 12:59:20 2017
    T Twelvecaliber started the conversation Saving Methods.

    So obviously the method of saving a persistent mission is done by hitting the save and exit option as the logged in admin. I assume this calls a function that begins the save process. Is there a way that this function can be called by other methods? To create other ways to save a mission if there is no admin present for example?

  3. Sun May 15 11:33:21 2016
    T Twelvecaliber posted in ALiVE Open Source.

    Does this mean we can report bugs we find as issues on the Git page now?

  4. 9 years ago
    Tue Nov 24 12:33:07 2015
    T Twelvecaliber posted in Objective Occupation.

    Awesome. I don't suppose there is a way to do it, dynamically finding objectives that belong to a side? In case i decide to change the implementation in future?

  5. Mon Nov 23 19:52:39 2015
    T Twelvecaliber started the conversation Objective Occupation.

    Does anyone know if there is a variable that holds information on which faction owns an objective. I want to make a script that will spawn in a HVT target, but only if the faction that HVT belongs to, owns the town i am trying to spawn him in.

  6. Thu Aug 6 20:02:32 2015
    T Twelvecaliber started the conversation Objective based triggers..

    Is there an event handler or something similar that fires when an objective in Asym mode is destroyed? E.G: Recruitment HQ, IED Factory ect, ect. Also if there is one, can it be used as a trigger method for objectives, my intentions being "Destroy X number of IED Factories, X number of Weapon Factories", and so on.

  7. Tue Jul 7 10:04:49 2015
    T Twelvecaliber started the conversation Asym Overview.

    Forgive this question as i'm sure it's been answered in bits and pieces all over the place, but i would like a concrete answer as of version 0.9.9. Are the IED factories now fixed and actually being created through opcom objectives. If so is there a specific set of circumstances that need to be filled in order for them to start spawning? I have ran a mission for 2ish hours and i had found everything was created apart from IED factories, and possibly some of the civilian actions they are supposed to take, however i am unsure of whether they start becoming suicide bombers and such when the hostility to the players faction is high, or the insurgents faction? The wiki isn't overly detailed in how each specific mechanic works it seem, so any detailed insight into any of the mechanics in the Asym mode would be greatly appreciated. :)

  8. Sat Jul 4 11:43:03 2015
    T Twelvecaliber posted in Progressive OPCOM Objectives..

    Module position affects the behavior of the commander? I did not know this. Interesting...

  9. Fri Jul 3 10:56:55 2015
    T Twelvecaliber started the conversation Progressive OPCOM Objectives..

    I am coming back to making my large Asym mode on Altis, now i have had issues in the past of if i set the OPCOM to Asym mode with all of altis, it will always go across map to get to Pyrgos as it is the highest priority objective as defined by the indexing of the map. So i decided my way around this was to create custom civilian objectives, which to an extent does work, but seen as there isn't a module for custom CIVILIAN objectives, it has to be done by code, and unfortunately the OPCOM just ends up going for the order in which the objectives are added via the init.sqf, line by line.

    So my first question is, using " [["obj_1", getMarkerPos "C1", 250,"CIV"],["WEST","GUER","EAST"]] call cjb_addObjectiveToSides; " this line of code to add an civilian objective of size 250, to all sides, is there a parameter to add a custom priority for this? So i can create my own priority for each custom objective, like you can with the custom military module.

    Secondly, is there a way to delay TAOR markers from being active, EG: If i had a TAOR marker that covered Kavala and Neri, and a TAOR that covered Zaros, is there a way to have it so initially only the Zaros TAOR is active and once they have exhausted all available objectives there, the second TAOR is activated and they can go for the normally higher objective Kavala and Neri TAOR afterwards?

    I ask these as i am trying to create an experience where the AI naturally expand to the closest available towns/objectives in a way that makes sense, instead of they going for what the map indexing tells them is the most important. I know there is a ticket on Dev Haven to do with randomizing objectives, but i am trying to find a half decent work around in the mean time. Any input would be appreciated. :)

  10. Mon Jun 1 09:28:13 2015
    T Twelvecaliber posted in Deleted Vehicles .

    I had this issue originally, however when i changed the profile module, to profile everything except synced units, and synced all the vehicles to the profiler, and used the vanilla BIS vehicle respawn module, it all worked fine for me.

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