Last active 9 years ago
Thanks for that first bit of info, that's unfortunate but understandable. As to the OPFOR TAOR, it does indeed only spawn targets in the OPFOR TAOR... but it will spawn BLUFOR outposts in the middle of a runway that is blacklisted for the OPFOR commander. I was hoping there would be some way to directly set a TAOR or blacklist for the C2ISTAR itself, rather than have it try to guess.
Finally, I'm referring to the ability of players in-game to open the C2ISTAR menu through the ALiVE interaction and request new missions - for example if it's a small recon team, they can get C2ISTAR to generate them a mission appropriate for a recon group (such as eliminating an HVT), and choose a location etc, but they also have to choose what faction the mission involves... which is a list of all the factions currently installed. I'd love to be able to limit it so it could only offer factions that have actually placed units, or an explicit whitelist for offered factions. So to be clear, I'm referring to mission generation on request within a running game, rather than the automatic task generation set up in the editor (which works just fine aside from the previously mentioned spawn location issues).
If you'd let me know about the restriction process, that'd be great. Hopefully I'd be able to use it to place the particular restrictions I want - thanks :)
Hi all, new-ish ALiVE user here with a couple of questions about the Player Combat Support and C2ISTAR modules if anyone could help! I've read through the wiki and googled quite a bit, but not found any satisfactory answers.
For Combat Support, I recently spotted the ability to sync pre-placed units to the module (in my case as Artillery/Mortars) to allow for greater flexibility. For me this is lovely, as it means I can finally place my mortar teams in nice secure dugouts, rather than having to build a huge paddock around where they might spawn, and hoping none spawn under a Hesco... However, it does have the issue that I can't see a way to get a group of mortars to all be controllable under a single callsign like the standard ALiVE-spawned group would be. For instance, if I spawn 3 mortars and group them, no matter whether I sync just the leader or each member to the PCS module they remain separate entities. Any suggestions, or is this a simple limitation of the current mod?
For C2ISTAR, the functionality is a great boon - both the steady generation of missions that players can choose to do, and the ability for players to request specific missions in specific areas if they so wish. However, is it possible to a) blacklist areas? b) restrict the factions available for player-generated missions? I'm getting rather frustrated with it repeatedly spawning military outposts in the middle of my friggen runway xD And it'd be nice if players didn't have to know the particular factions used in the mission so as to avoid creating a mash of random units from different mods moving around.
Ta in advance for any help :)