

Last active last year

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Oct 4 10:58:22 2016
    R Rockfrog posted in vehicle stuck .

    We're suffering from this exact same problem too, and there's no obvious logic to it.

    It doesn't appear to be disableAI "move" as I removed that from all player slots and it's made no difference at all.

    It's not the ACE speed limiter, turned it on and off, makes no difference to those suffering from it.

    It appears to be effecting identical player slots, differently, which is weird. Some are effected by it, some are not at all. I myself wasn't effected by it as recently as this Sunday, and now suddenly I am. And I've made no changes to mods or maps.

    Incredibly frustrating. I'll just have to be driven around like some lord of the manor.

  2. Fri Sep 23 08:20:08 2016
    R Rockfrog posted in ALiVE: Tanoa (Quick Start).

    CIV_F_TANOA works for me, and yet I haven't used the above mod. Did ALiVE fold these factions into the core mod, or did you fold it into your Addon pack Spyder (which I do run)?

  3. Tue Sep 20 23:32:32 2016
    R Rockfrog posted in Group name can't contain spaces?.


  4. Thu Sep 8 19:47:22 2016
    R Rockfrog posted in Group name can't contain spaces?.

    Hopefully we can sort it out :)

  5. Mon Sep 5 17:56:15 2016
    R Rockfrog posted in Group name can't contain spaces?.

    We're experiencing the same thing, can't have a group name with spaces in it... yet we used to, and I can see a ton of units in the War Room who do have spaces in their full name.

  6. 9 years ago
    Mon Feb 29 17:22:18 2016
    R Rockfrog started the conversation Weather module (SOLVED).

    Does the ALiVE weather module sync to all clients? We recently had an op in which some players were experiencing heavy rainfall, whilst others stood next to them had no rain at all.

  7. Mon Jan 11 17:47:05 2016
    R Rockfrog posted in Bozcaada.

    Thanks for the insight!

  8. Sat Jan 9 13:19:38 2016
    R Rockfrog posted in Bozcaada.

    @SavageCDN It's never been requested.. until now :)

    Added to the list - no guarantees it will be indexed for next release.

    Thanks for this. Is there any clarity if it will or has made it into the next release?

  9. Thu Oct 15 19:22:24 2015
    R Rockfrog started the conversation Bozcaada.

    Are there plans to index Bozcaada ?

  10. Tue Aug 25 00:46:22 2015
    R Rockfrog joined the forum.