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  1. 9 years ago
    Thu Mar 10 11:51:07 2016
    F frankabestia posted in Supported Maps (SOLVED).

    Thanks Friznit, good link. I place in the favourite.

    If i can help, i've test Panthera idexing and i found the 2 island west and sud-west missing index.
    And sud-west main island airport missing some new building.

    Thanks, bye!

  2. Wed Mar 9 16:19:11 2016
    F frankabestia started the conversation Supported Maps (SOLVED).

    Hi, i want make a new mission using map "@Panthera3". ALiVE 1.0 support new island added in this map with last update?

    Another question.. This link http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Maps is updated with all supported maps?

  3. Sat Oct 17 08:50:00 2015
    F frankabestia started the conversation ALiVE 0.9.10 Air operation.

    I'm running a dedicated server.
    With last patch i've noticed an increase of performce in flight. Now i can create an air mission with alive.
    I only have a problem when I fly over an area populated with ALiVE, the enemy takes about 30 seconds to make the spawn... can i reduce the time required?

  4. Tue Oct 13 08:01:22 2015
    F frankabestia joined the forum.