

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Sat Feb 13 00:17:53 2016

    @SpyderBlack723 Were the two BLUFOR commanders of the same faction?

    No the CUP Great Britain and USMC factions

  2. Fri Feb 12 23:59:35 2016
    J Jenko started the conversation Multiple OPFOR & BLUFOR commanders not loading.

    I had around three OPFOR commanders with multiple separate civilian and military placement modules and two BLUFOR commanders with different civilian and military placement modules.

    Now when I go to load up this game it can be left on for up to thirty minutes with it still on the loading screen. It works perfectly fine with OPFOR only and one BLUFOR but with another BLUFOR commander of various different including default units it doesn't load.

    On large TAOR's I had a company size which was two TAORS and the rest of my TAORs were platoon size.

    What could cause this? (On Takistan map)

  3. Mon Oct 19 17:47:27 2015

    @SpyderBlack723 Can't seem to replicate on my end, is everything up to date (ALIVE, CBA)? Are the military AI Commanders still giving orders to units (Enable debug on the module)?

    Edit: Ok found something, it seems there is a very small chance that no profiles spawn on the map (Only four spawning instead of ~300). New questions, are you running ACE? and, are you on Arma 3 stable or devbranch?

    This could be a case of ACE incompatibility or a natural incompatibility with ALiVE and the current Arma 3 devbranch build.

    Everything has been updated, thats when this error started occurring when I updated ALiVE and CBA. Yep running ace and on the stable branch.

    Which is why I'm very confused, Leights OPFOR are working as they are the enemies on my map.

  4. Mon Oct 19 17:42:28 2015

    @ARJay Are you using the new editor on dev branch by any chance?

    Last I checked there was an issue where mil placement modules would switch to mil custom placement modules for no reason in the new editor

    Nope using the normal branch.

  5. Sun Oct 18 16:31:48 2015

    @SpyderBlack723 Try replacing the modules

    Same error even on a fresh map

  6. Sat Oct 17 20:50:52 2015

    Upon building an ARMA 3 mission the RHS faction of the US Army was working until today when it started to say OPCOM can't find faction. I then tried using the default BLUFOR and the FIA faction and it comes up with the same error.

  7. Sat Oct 17 20:46:46 2015
    J Jenko joined the forum.