

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Sun Jan 21 17:43:21 2018
    M MatejMiskuf posted in Lythium Index.

    Huh, do you think its specific to the Lythiums version of JBAD? Ohhh, is it a JBAD related thing then? Or is there any way to "help" it from ALiVEs side?

    Do you guys from ALiVE have any idea what specifically causes this with JBAD?

  2. Sun Jan 21 10:25:30 2018
    M MatejMiskuf started the conversation Lythium Index.

    Hey guys,

    I browsed through previous conversations about Lythium but wasnt able to find a specific up to date answer.

    What are the news on the index? Where does the issue lie? Is it Jbad buildings? Or is the index just not up to date? Or something else with the map?

    Iam asking because the civilian spawns are still dismal to say the least.

  3. 8 years ago
    Sat Jun 18 15:12:20 2016
    M MatejMiskuf posted in AI Group Awareness.

    Yup, thanks for the suggestions, using the edited version @HeroesandvillainsOS suggested. Working like a charm so far.

    Really hope someone can clear up the composition business for me though :D

  4. Fri Jun 17 15:07:09 2016
    M MatejMiskuf posted in AI Group Awareness.

    Thanks for the reply, but from what i heard, the community AI mods usually kill performance with too much scripted stuff.. and that it gets geometrically worse with more AI in the field. But ill try it nontheless, so once more, thanks.

    Ill look into the patch as well, granted my coding abilities are fairly limited :D

    The thing is, you cant really incorporate the custom roadblocks and compositions into a mission, only as an external addon, which is kinda inconvenient if you want to release mission publically.

    Maybe incorporate it into the ALiVE somehow? O:)

  5. Fri Jun 17 09:29:10 2016
    M MatejMiskuf posted in AI Group Awareness.

    Aand is there anyone i could ask about the compositions specifically?

  6. Fri Jun 17 09:28:00 2016
    M MatejMiskuf posted in AI Group Awareness.

    Well, iam not using any AI mods but still have a different experience with hand placed units and ALiVE spawned units. Dont know if its just me, thats why iam asking.

    So to get a clear picture, ALiVE handles the AI up to the point of them being spawned in the real not virtual environment? (Ofc with the waypoints from the OPCOM?) The engagements and awareness and all the other jazz is handled by the game itself?

  7. Thu Jun 16 21:28:22 2016
    M MatejMiskuf posted in AI Group Awareness.

    Aaaand one more question..

    Is there any way to alter the premade ALiVE compositions with RHS static guns? Or is there any way to add custom compositions into the automatic mission generation ALiVE provides?


  8. Thu Jun 16 21:27:16 2016
    M MatejMiskuf started the conversation AI Group Awareness.


    is it just me or do the AI controlled by the OPCOM module ignore/cant hear shots killing their comrades (granted that they cant see me, then they engage) and just continue their patrols like nothing happened?

    For example: Two guys standing in the middle of the street, two other guys in a nearby alley. I start to engage the guys on the street, drop one, the other one starts shooting at me, I kill the second one. The other pair still standing/patroling carelessly like nothing happened. They cant? hear the shots and wont change their attitude to aware.

    TL;DR Is there some problem with group cooperation and awareness between AI groups controlled by the OPCOM module?

  9. 9 years ago
    Mon Feb 1 10:11:46 2016
    M MatejMiskuf posted in Vehicle persistence help.

    What do you mean by adding Logistics Module? I have no such thing in my editor..

  10. Mon Feb 1 09:54:40 2016
    M MatejMiskuf started the conversation ALIVE persistance problems.


    since yesterday, iam trying to host a server with alive persistence on. Some things like ammo crates that ive interacted with get properly saved. Others, like vehicles that ive driven around or TRACE squares from CQB dont.

    Iam using RHS though the vehicle persistence doesnt work for vanilla vehicles either.

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