

Last active 3 years ago

  1. 5 years ago
    Wed Jun 26 20:47:38 2019
    R RedHebridean posted in Virtual entity not given orders.

    Here's the link:

    AliveTest.zip file

    The mission is as simple as can be and is still having this issue. Thanks for your time.

  2. Wed Jun 26 12:50:36 2019
    R RedHebridean posted in Virtual entity not given orders.

    I have used editor placed units and those placed by a military placement module.

    Those placed by the military placement module display the behavior I have previously explained.

    Those placed in the editor do not react to orders at all.

  3. Tue Jun 25 20:15:28 2019
    R RedHebridean started the conversation Virtual entity not given orders.

    I have run into a recent issue. TACOM does not appear to give an order to a virtual entity when attacking an objective. It appears OPCOM is aware of the entity.

    For example :

    20:41:09 OPCOM orders TACOM to attack target OPCOM_207777220_objective_0
    20:41:10 TACOM message received: attacking OPCOM_207777220_objective_0! Details: ["IND_F-entity_0","IND_F-entity_9","IND_F-entity_6","IND_F-entity_7"]!

    But IND_F-entity_0 in this case is not given a waypoint.

    I am able to replicate this multiple times, it is not only entity_0 but can be any of the entities that are assigned by OPCOM.

    It ends up with 3 of the 4 entities which are assigned waypoints waiting indefinitely for the last group. Sometimes 2 of the entities out of the 4.

    I am running only ALiVE and CBA.

    Here is the rpt : rpt_file

    Thanks in advance

  4. 9 years ago
    Tue Mar 15 00:15:35 2016

    Thanks Spyder! looking forward to your example :)

  5. Mon Mar 14 23:45:53 2016
    R RedHebridean started the conversation Player Combat Logistics indep groups recruitment blank.

    Hi there!

    I started playing around with the Player Combat Logistics module to add to a mission that i'm currently working on and was confused to find that the groups recruitment for the independent side is blank. At first i thought it had something to do with the fact i was using massi's African Conflict mod and it may be confined to that but after some testing of all the factions and then when disabling and even removing the mods to test the PCL module with vanilla Arma the issue was still apparent.

    I was able to conclude that in my current installation of the game and Alive that with a Player Combat Logistics module properly set up (There is an AI Commander synched to an Objective and Military logistics module with the appropriate factions set, A Requires Alive module is present, A Virtual AI System is present, A Player Combat Logistics module is present, There are no mods apart from CBA and ALiVE) that :-

    NATO and CSAT work as expected
    AAF: Supply list works as expected, Recruitment of Individuals works as expected, Recruitment of Groups is blank.

    I tried to find if anyone else was having a similar problem on the interwebs or if this is normal behavior but alas i couldn't so i'm asking instead.

    I won't include the African Conflict problems (with the Player Combat Logistics, the mod itself is awesome); i think i've spieled enough and it's a different mod :P

    ..though i do have another quick question : Would anyone happen to know the Object Class name of the object spawned when a Insurgent Recruitment HQ is spawned? I wanna see if i can add an addAction to it's init using the code from the Snippets page on the wiki

    Thanks anyone reading! This mod is amazing!

  6. Mon Mar 14 22:56:16 2016
    R RedHebridean joined the forum.