

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Thu Jan 26 19:58:32 2017
    Laplaie posted in Dedicated Server Config ?.

    Ok! I'll do as you say! II'l let you know the results.

    Quick question, I have -autoInit in my param. Is it compatible with a Headless client ?

    PS: Don't know where The Savage Canadian is living but the last time I've check the HABS where the best Canadian :) ;) Sans Rancune ! and thanks for your help !!

  2. Thu Jan 26 11:57:58 2017
    Laplaie posted in Dedicated Server Config ?.

    Et Voila !!!

    my config files and the RTP.....after 5 minutes alone on the server 30fps and 5 cps!!

    Config and startup param:

    I'm having a lot of error but I really don't know what is the cause.

    thank you in advance


  3. Wed Jan 25 15:40:23 2017
    Laplaie posted in Dedicated Server Config ?.

    Thanks for the quick answer! As soon as I get back home I will post my files.
    I know that I'm using a lot of mods, but hard to believe that this kind of computer can't run at least at 35 cps/fps !!

  4. Wed Jan 25 15:23:29 2017
    Laplaie started the conversation Dedicated Server Config ?.

    Hello !!

    I'm having problem with my current local dedicated server. (Low FPS and Low CPS)
    For example an insurgency mission on Takistan with 3 human player: average FPS 20, CPS 10. With a HC client on the second CPU
    This is my system: Dell Z600 Xeon X5650 @2.6 Ghz ( 2 physical processor) 12 GB of RAM, Windows Server 2012 Standard.

    Do you think that upgrading for a new system with for example a i7 6700k will make a difference ? What kind of dedicated server do you use? Don't want to spend money for nothing....

    thank you all in advance


  5. Thu Mar 17 14:35:14 2016
    Laplaie started the conversation Multispawn insertion Marker problem.

    Hello All !!

    I'm having a weird problem... I'm trying to configure the Multispawn Insertion and the module is ignoring the markers Insertion and destination !!?? Everything is working but the heli insertion point is always in the lower left corner of the map (takistan) and the destination is on top of the multispawn module !!! no matter where a place the makers

    I'm using RHS, I have try the faction name at the end of ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_INSERTION_ and ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_DESTINATION_ :
    BLU_F - NATO

    Always the same result??!!

    My mods are:
    Takistan (CUP)

    Anyone have a idea ??

    Thanks in advance


  6. Thu Mar 17 14:14:06 2016
    Laplaie joined the forum.