

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Fri Nov 18 05:35:58 2016
    R RitterNZ posted in Blacklist CSAT SpecOps in CQB.

    Awesome, Thank you.

  2. Fri Nov 18 05:16:23 2016
    R RitterNZ started the conversation Blacklist CSAT SpecOps in CQB.

    Hey guys can someone please tell me how I can blacklist the CQB module spawning CSAT specops troops.
    The Mil Placement modules have option to stop them but I can not find anything for the CQB module.


  3. Wed Nov 16 09:46:26 2016
    R RitterNZ posted in Hostage Rescue.

    I had this issue, I was running ACE3 so arrested him to see if could move him that way and when I released him he was able to move.

  4. Thu Oct 13 23:21:18 2016
    R RitterNZ posted in addAction on transport helicopters.

    I now have working door animations on my transport helicopter.
    Sharing for anyone interested in his feature, here is what I have done, may not be the best way but I'm no scripter just a copy and paster.


    //Alive spawned heli door animations
    class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
     class NZF_Merlin {
      init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'scripts\DoorsReset.sqf')";


    _heli = _this select 0;
    _heli addAction ["<t color='#FE2E2E'>Open Doors</t>", "scripts\Doors.sqf",1,1,false,true,"","(_target 
    animationPhase 'door_back_R' == 0) && (_target animationPhase 'door_back_L' == 0)"]; 
    _heli addAction ["<t color='#40FF00'>Close Doors</t>", "scripts\Doors.sqf",0,1,false,true,"","(_target 
    animationPhase 'door_back_R' == 1) && (_target animationPhase 'door_back_L' == 1)"];
    sleep 1;


    hintSilent "Doors Cycling";
    _ghost = _this select 0;
    _state = _this select 3;
    _ghost animateDoor ['door_back_R', _state];
    _ghost animateDoor ['door_back_L', _state];
    sleep 1.75;
    hintSilent "Cycle Complete";
    sleep 3;
    hintSilent "";
  5. Tue Oct 11 21:54:44 2016
    R RitterNZ posted in vehicle stuck .

    Apparently it is included in hotfix out today

  6. Wed Oct 5 20:47:00 2016
    R RitterNZ started the conversation addAction on transport helicopters.

    Hey guys I need some help with getting a script to work on the combat support transport helicopters.
    I want to run a script to addAction open/close doors, this works in the init or code box for local hosted but I want to run this on a dedicated server, any input on how I can do that would be appreciated.

    nul = [this] execVM "scripts\DoorsReset.sqf";


  7. Thu Aug 4 23:51:18 2016
    R RitterNZ posted in Logistics Supply Not Arriving.

    Really neat immersion features, loving it.

  8. Wed Aug 3 23:13:49 2016
    R RitterNZ posted in Logistics Supply Not Arriving.

    Ah... I understand now, I didn't realise you need to unload the supplies yourself. I was expecting them to just appear on the ground around the heli.

    Thanks guys.

  9. Wed Aug 3 17:55:46 2016
    R RitterNZ posted in Logistics Supply Not Arriving.

    I have checked combat logistics module and all the logistics options are enabled, choppers will arrive but will not unload crates.

  10. Wed Aug 3 08:40:02 2016
    R RitterNZ started the conversation Logistics Supply Not Arriving.

    Hey guys, I'm having an issue with logistics supply crates not arriving.
    I have a mission made on Tanoa with the military logistics module, when I call in reinforcements and supplies the troops will arrive the the ammo crates don't.

    I tested and called in 8 troops and 3 ammo crates, a Blackfish and Ghosthawk arrived and landed troops disembarked from the Blackfish but nothing came from the Ghosthawk, they started up and left and report said supplies had been dropped but no crates could be found.

    I have tried with convoy and para drop as well and troops will arrive but no crates ever get delivered.
    Anyone else have issues with delivery of supply crates or an I missing something in the editor.


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