

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Tue Apr 14 17:28:18 2015
    S stefan103 started the conversation Random tasks.

    Is there a way to generate random tasks without using "c2istar" moduels?

  2. 10 years ago
    Sun Feb 22 19:17:48 2015
    S stefan103 posted in Safezone .

    It doesnt work for me

  3. Fri Feb 20 23:18:18 2015
    S stefan103 started the conversation Safezone doesnt work.


    I am making a "insurgency mission" but I have a problem with making a "safezone".

    I made a marker called "safezone" and its also blacklisted but every time I tested my mission friendly and enemy AI spawn in my safezone.

    Can you help me!!

    I am using ;

    RHS: escalation
    Task force radio

  4. Sat Jan 24 11:44:00 2015
    S stefan103 started the conversation Safezone .

    How do i create a safezone around my base ?

  5. Thu Jan 22 13:36:14 2015
    S stefan103 started the conversation Whats a OPCM ?.

    Whats a OPCOM ?

  6. Wed Dec 24 22:32:40 2014

    I have a full dedicated server and it doesnt work

  7. Wed Dec 24 11:45:54 2014

    do i need alive.cfg ?

  8. Tue Dec 23 19:25:42 2014
    S stefan103 posted in Alive doesnt work.

    It isnt blocked

  9. Tue Dec 23 17:33:56 2014
    S stefan103 started the conversation Alive doesnt work.

    I downloaded @ALiVE and @AliveServer on my Server the "key" is in the "key folder". The default missions dont even work.


    please HELP!

  10. Sun Dec 21 17:22:08 2014
    S stefan103 posted in @Aliveserver.

    Do i also have to put it in the server parameter?

    -mod=@AliveServer or no ?

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