

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Thu Aug 25 09:50:12 2016
    S SkullCollector posted in Zeus and ALiVE.

    Perhaps related to this, does that function apply to Zeus-spawned empty vehicles? I like to spice up my missions with vehicle rewards I create on the fly sometimes, but they always despawn upon server restart even when players have interacted with them. Using the admin action from the ALiVE menu to profile non-profiled units worked... to an extent. Vehicles like to duplicate and glitch so they all, well, explode.

  2. Wed Aug 24 20:20:08 2016
    S SkullCollector posted in Number of questions [ASR, ACE, AI].

    At the very bottom of the BI forums thread, after the outrageously un-spoilered changelog. Bold text saying Extras.


  3. Wed Aug 24 15:12:35 2016
    S SkullCollector posted in Number of questions [ASR, ACE, AI].

    As I understand it, you don't need the patch for the enhanced behaviour, it's just to basically make the AI aware of the weapon stats like range, ammo count and everything, so they utilise them properly for, say, suppressive fire.

  4. Wed Aug 24 11:16:44 2016
    S SkullCollector posted in Number of questions [ASR, ACE, AI].

    So I can just leave the ace_ai.pbo in and don't have to nag my players with removing it from their modset? That would be great, though if you say 'should' I might go the less risky route and still take it out.

  5. Wed Aug 24 08:55:56 2016
    S SkullCollector started the conversation Number of questions [ASR, ACE, AI].

    Hello there. Started using ALiVE the other day and it's very quickly growing on me and all my players.

    I do have a few questions, mostly as a beginner mission maker who doesn't know his stuff just yet.

    How would I go about using ALiVE and ASR-AI? I read earlier that ASR overrides the ALiVE skill settings, but is there anything I have to do to avoid conflicts?
    I also read that the ACE AI and ALiVE don't always work brilliantly together, and a workaround is to remove the ace_ai.pbo. Will that be required for all clients or just the server? We have already run into AI not giving a flying anything about us passing by, sometimes just looking at us for a solid minute before becoming aware and going prone.

    Also one thing I've asked on the BI forums already; if I edited the mission file, e.g., to remove an .sqf or comment-out a line in the init, will persistence be reset?


    Edit: We use RHS and Project OPFOR if that plays into anything. ASR RHS compats would be used, of course.

  6. Wed Aug 24 08:46:42 2016
    S SkullCollector joined the forum.