

Last active 5 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Sat Dec 10 14:06:15 2016


    This was probably a conflict and I also had severe perf issues with player logistics, so I got rid of this mission (it was more or less a try). On other missions I have no longer both problems. thanks anyway!

  2. Thu Dec 8 11:42:31 2016
    G guig73 posted in Miliary reports.

    Ok, Thanks !

  3. Tue Dec 6 14:37:35 2016
    G guig73 started the conversation Miliary reports.

    Hi all.

    I would know if the military reports have some influances on the AI commander, or just to players ?

    Thanks !

  4. Tue Dec 6 14:12:14 2016
    G guig73 started the conversation C2ISTAR operations don't allow to move troops.

    Hi all.

    I have difficulties to have an operational C2ISTAR operations running correctly in my mission :

    When I try to access the operation menu on the tablet, it opens the tablet, let me choose for blufor commander, but then after, no units are displayed, neither on the unit list nor on the map.

    It was once accessible, but since I had more and more data on the mission, it one time disappeared.

    I’m currently playing solo.
    As this scenario is quite huge, and I’d like persistence, I’m using a local dedicated server as described in the WIKI.

    Also, I made a simpler scenario, that I can play solo without dedicated server.
    I set up a mission with OPFOR and BLUFOR, no independents, and I got an error saying there was no independent commander.
    I removed auto tasks for independents, and it was then accessible.

    I tried that on my bigger scenario, but this has no effect.

    Any hint ?

    Thanks you very much for this wonderful mod and for your help in advance.

  5. Tue Dec 6 13:07:00 2016
    G guig73 joined the forum.