Last active 8 years ago
the there a way to add a delay to the ALIVE AI Distributor so that the HC server has time to complete the start up?
Yeah that is set to Headless client. The HC was set up by the Hosting company and also the linking of the HC to the Arma server was setup by the hosting company the onlu thing I did was below:
Added to the Init.sqf
// HeadLess Client
if (!hasInterface && !isDedicated) then {
headlessClients = [];
headlessClients pushBack player;
publicVariable "headlessClients";
isHC = true;
and the stuff to the mission file
how do you set the virtual AI to go to Headless client in module. that is not defined. If they're referring to in the ALIVE Required it is set to Headless. Is my time off on starting the HC
I'm on a rented server setup and so is my HC. Now the HC Client is connecting to the server and the game logic is placed in the mission the HC Client Connection type is . now to the issue when reviewing the server rpt the ALIVE AI Distributor says:
11:14:34 ALIVE AI Distributor exiting, no headless clients [] or not server false
and on the HC Server is says:
Setting invalid pitch 0.0000 for HC
As for the timing of starting the HC Server. I wait until the arma server reaches the map load and then I start the HC Server. Why isn't the ALIVE AI Distributor seeing the HC Server?
Also the AI isn't being Distributed by the HC Server
@Tupolov I found this in my RPT file this morning.
4:19:19 Error in expression <amage"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;
if (_profileToAttackHealth isEqualTo []) the>
4:19:19 Error position: <_profileToAttackHealth isEqualTo []) the>
4:19:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: _profiletoattackhealth
4:19:19 File x\alive\addons\sys_profile\fnc_profileSimulator.sqf, line 593
4:19:19 Error in expression <reach _totalHitpoints;
};if (count _profileToAttackHealth > 0) then {
4:19:19 Error position: <_profileToAttackHealth > 0) then {{>
4:19:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: _profiletoattackhealth
4:19:19 File x\alive\addons\sys_profile\fnc_profileSimulator.sqf, line 600
4:19:19 Error in expression <amage"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;if (_profileToAttackHealth isEqualTo []) the>
4:19:19 Error position: <_profileToAttackHealth isEqualTo []) the>
4:19:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: _profiletoattackhealth
4:19:19 File x\alive\addons\sys_profile\fnc_profileSimulator.sqf, line 593
4:19:19 Error in expression <reach _totalHitpoints;
};if (count _profileToAttackHealth > 0) then {
4:19:19 Error position: <_profileToAttackHealth > 0) then {{>
4:19:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: _profiletoattackhealth
4:19:19 File x\alive\addons\sys_profile\fnc_profileSimulator.sqf, line 600
4:19:19 Error in expression <amage"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;if (_profileToAttackHealth isEqualTo []) the>
4:19:19 Error position: <_profileToAttackHealth isEqualTo []) the>
4:19:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: _profiletoattackhealth
4:19:19 File x\alive\addons\sys_profile\fnc_profileSimulator.sqf, line 593
4:19:19 Error in expression <reach _totalHitpoints;
};if (count _profileToAttackHealth > 0) then {
4:19:19 Error position: <_profileToAttackHealth > 0) then {{>
4:19:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: _profiletoattackhealth
4:19:19 File x\alive\addons\sys_profile\fnc_profileSimulator.sqf, line 600
4:19:19 Error in expression <amage"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;if (_profileToAttackHealth isEqualTo []) the>
4:19:19 Error position: <_profileToAttackHealth isEqualTo []) the>
4:19:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: _profiletoattackhealth
4:19:19 File x\alive\addons\sys_profile\fnc_profileSimulator.sqf, line 593
4:19:19 Error in expression <reach _totalHitpoints;
};if (count _profileToAttackHealth > 0) then {
4:19:19 Error position: <_profileToAttackHealth > 0) then {{>
4:19:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: _profiletoattackhealth
4:19:19 File x\alive\addons\sys_profile\fnc_profileSimulator.sqf, line 600
4:19:19 Error in expression <ToAttackType = _targetToAttack select 2 select 5;_profileToAttackHealth = 0;>
4:19:19 Error position: <select 5;_profileToAttackHealth = 0;>
4:19:19 Error count: Zero divisor
4:19:19 File x\alive\addons\sys_profile\fnc_profileSimulator.sqf, line 579
that's awesome, but how did you get ACE to work in 64bit. when its 32 bit only?
I set the readiness to 50% and removed the overrides, on all but armor and SF set those to 0. with a platoon of 60 to deploy if needed
I'v3e had it where there were only 82 objectives and the game crashed which leads be to think its completely arma. From my understanding the having a server allows for more ai placement. Because in the tutorial videos they mention that if running locally have the setting to 30 to mot overwhelm the cpu and drain fps, and if on a server then 100 units is ok
I'm completely new at all this, I'm coming from exile mission making. In the mil and civ placement modules. We're the override units like armor and infantry placing 3 or 4 controls the amount of units placed or the drop downs company, platoon? Because I'm running overrides of 2,2,2,1,0 with platoon size of 60 in each I've tried it at no overrides and battalion of 800 and the FPS and crashes still happen. Even at the lowest settings they still happen. It's very frustrating.
Where can I limit the AI profiles? Active Limiter? if so I set that to 45 and the CIV to 20 to allow for overages in AI Spawned. On maps like Fallujah and Kunduz with large open areas and few building the game runs smooth, but Altis, Tanoa forget about it. with mods like exile I have no issues, but exile is dying like DayZ the Developer stopped Development and its only a matter of time before Arma updates and break exile for good.