Last active 8 years ago
So how do i go about completing tasks ?
i got a task to pickup troops, i went there, but hey they didnt enter my veh. and i cant order them to either, should i do it with the commanders tablet ?? also is it possible to change the text size in the tablet, the text is so small i cant read it...
Okey, ill use this threads to post some stuff..
found this function to add objectives to opcom
//Example:[["ID_Name", Position, Obective size,"MIL",300],["EAST"]] call cjb_addObjectiveToSides; cjb_addObjectiveToSides = { private["_objectiveParams","_factions","_faction","_opcom","_opcomSide"]; _objectiveParams = _this select 0; _factions = _this select 1; { _opcom = _x; { _faction = _x; _opcomSide = [_opcom,"side",""] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet; if( _opcomSide == _faction) then { [_opcom, "addObjective", _objectiveParams] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM; }; } forEach _factions; } forEach OPCOM_INSTANCES; };
and i figuered this would work in similar fasion (iam not at home so its untestedcode)
//Example:["ID_Name","SIDE"] call cjb_addObjectiveToSides; cjb_RemoveObjectiveToSides = { private["_factions","_faction","_opcom","_opcomSide"]; _id = _this select 0; _factions = _this select 1; { _opcom = _x; { _faction = _x; _opcomSide = [_opcom,"side",""] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet; if( _opcomSide == _faction) then { [_opcom, "removeObjective", _id] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM; }; } forEach _factions; } forEach OPCOM_INSTANCES; };
i cant find ALiVE Compositions in eden editor, what could be wrong??
:( well well will give it a go, thanks
So i have some questions, if anyone can help.
i found some stuff on the wiki, and i tried looking trough the functions on the Github.
i can see that you can add objectives to OPCOM. but can i remove objectives from opcom ?
also i can see that you can Profile new units to AI Profiler, but can i remove virtualised profiles ?
is there somewhere i can have a look at more alive functions from a scripting perspective ? (ithout roaming trough the functions on github)
Okey, Thanks cool. ill mess around with it some, iam thinking maybe trying to deactivate opcom and and Zones before saving or someting like that and then re virtualise upon reloading. iam not sure, ill get bakck with my results :) maybe maybe some day we will be able to use the complete alive suite offline, like make it avilable but with no support, alot of the Arma forums around has plenty of really clever people and most of them are very helpful so i dont think the alive team would have to deal with the hassles that may come with it.
Hi, i was just wondering, i just started playing with Alive, and since i mostly do SP games and alive has a hard time saving persistent Mission (will this still be an issue on 64bit?) are there any modules in particulary that causes problems for SP saving, i was thinking maybe i can at least utilize some elements from live in SP mission making. (i would like to use all of it, looked at NWR for saving tolocal DB without DBserver running, but it is not complete, and it is a bit above me to complete it :( ) the thing is i dont have a stable internet connection at home otherwise it is easy to sign up for an warroom account.. i have one but i can utilize it. anyoone ideas ? like playerstats and stuff is not that imprtant i think, but spawnPos and Opfor movments att stuff would be a good thing to be able to save... i know this has been brought up alot, trust me ive googled everything. but the answers are allways the same, so maybe someone has something new to try out _