Last active 8 years ago
Update: Things appear to be working now with only ALiVE and CBA installed.... will do some more testing to see if this is the case.
Idk why uninstalling from Steam and reinstalling the mod wasn't enough, but I'm glad things seem to be improving! :)
Currently Wiping all traces of Arma 3 on my computer and will reinstall everrrything.
At the very least, I'd like to know what causes this error, no matter how generic maybe... then I might know a solution :(
Deleting the .dll doesn't fix it either.
Is there anything in the crash logs that might help?
Should I record what happens so you can get a better idea?
Should I post system information?
I'm just as baffled as you guys are.
I've reinstalled arma and all of my mods repeatedly. I have the necessary hardware.
Is there really nothing I could do?
The Game crashes as soon as anything is rendered.
I also tried installing on my HDD: no change.
The game can startup, provided that the background world is disabled. When this is the case, going into the game/editor crashes it.
If I load the background world on the menu, it crashes instantly.
The UI on the menu is messed up as well, if that has anything to do with it.
thanks for the responses guys. as of now I tried running alive with cba v3.1.0, 3.1.1, 3.1.2 (the one I'm using now).
Also I won't deny It: I messed with my drive's page file at one point or another, but as of now it's being managed by Windows. Anything I could do to fix this?
Not sure if this is the right place to put this but...
I've been playing Arma for months now. Every other mod I've installed works, but the ALiVE mod does not.
With only the ALiVE Mod (and CBA3) installed, I get an error as soon as the game renders anything.
I have 16 gb of DDR3 RAM, and well over that amount on the harddrive. What could be the issue?
This message pops up afterwards:
I'm currently running CBA_A3 v3.1.0
How can I fix this?
Is there something potentially wrong with my ssd? With my installation of the mod? With my pc itself?
Is there an error log I could find that might help or no?
Here's the error dump: