Last active 7 years ago
HeroesandvillainsOS / HaggisRoll : Huge thanks. Changing from "Small" to "Normal" does allow the drop down to work.
For anyone else looking: This is in the general display options :-)
NOTE: this don't really "resolve" the issue as it shifts what drop down no longer works (in the case of normal its the next drop down down). I find this is an acceptable work around for the time being as the issue does most likely seem with the ArmA build 1.68.x
I apologize if this has been noted somewhere but looking through these forums and the forums located at BI Studio and haven't seen anything related to the issue I'm seeing.
I am just getting started with the ALiVE mod and trying to create a simple "uprising" game to get started. I've been following the instructions located here for my first ALiVE mission.
When I got to step 4 , placing the AI commander, when I click the Control Type drop down the drop down quickly flashes and then re-closes itself keeping "Incursion" as the selected type. The rest of the drop downs, enable debug, persistent, etc. all appear to work properly.
I have downloaded the latest versions of CBA (v3.2.1) and ALiVE from Armaholic and here respectively about two hours ago. To be clear, these are not the versions available on steam workshop as I was planning on creating some scenarios and using Arma3Sync in the future.
Is this an issue I can resolve locally? What information can I collect and post to help with debugging this issue? I'm a software developer by trade, c# and python, so I don't mind digging in to find logs or anything. I'm just 100% green when it comes to ArmA scripting and ALiVE looked like an awesome place to start for getting the types of scenarios I want to create in place.