

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Fri May 12 13:54:06 2017
    K Kloppy started the conversation Persistent World/Map on dedicated Server.

    Hi there! Im enjoying alive a lot just there is one thing I like to ask for help:

    Whenever I load my mission, the map will be revamped. All buildings that have been destroyed will be fresh up again.
    I ve read before that I need to save the Profile before restarting the Server and it should be stored at /.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles/$profile/$profile.vars.Arma3Profile .
    My Server runs at zap-hosting.com , so I asked these guys and the answer was: "No, that file you are looking for is stored at /arma3/config/Users/Lokaler%20Dienst and its named Lokaler%20Dienst.vars.Arma3Profile.
    However the world did still reset and the savegame for war room couldnt be loaded anymore, instead the mission restarted, just as I ve changed the mission name, which I didnt.
    I wonder what I did wrong? Is that the right file? Thanks for your help in advance!

  2. Fri May 12 11:09:49 2017
    K Kloppy joined the forum.