

Last active 4 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Wed Aug 23 23:37:47 2017

    @SavageCDN I am definitely counting virtual groups, I've set the spawn radius to zero so that the AI will never be spawned into the world while I am testing. I've also set the number of attacking groups to 100, so that should not be an issue.

    Looking at the debug, with one placement module with 1200 units, the largest group number I see is e8. Adding in a second placement module with 100 units, the largest group number I see is e16. Placing down another 100 unit placement module and the largest group number I see is e24. The TAOR is set up correctly, they are only being placed within the TAOR I designated.

    I tried increasing the TAOR coverage, and with that more units spawned in. Nowhere near 1200, but still more units. It's like it can only spawn in so many groups into a given area, and if it can't spawn anymore, then it just stops placing units.

    @HeroesandvillainsOS Thanks for the suggestion. I may end up doing that so I can get more fine control over what units spawn and such, but I would like to see if I can sort this issue out. If it is a bug, then it would be good to let the developers know, and if it is an issue with the way I'm setting it up, it may be worth adding a line somewhere in the wiki to clarify how to make sure the placement modules place down more units.

  2. Wed Aug 23 16:51:17 2017

    Thank you for the reply!

    I tried poking around at the unit count, but looking from the virtual ai debug it didn't seem like it actually changed the number of units that were placed or the number of units that were sent out to capture objectives, so I assumed it was something like a local reinforcement count. I even tried a ridiculous setting like trying to place 1200 units in the Stratis air field, and there was no noticeable increase in placed units. Do the placement modules only place a certain number of units in a given area, like there is a given number of spawn points and after they are used up it won't place any more units?

    Out of curiosity I tried syncing up two additional military placement modules to the TAOR I made around the Stratis air field and it seemed to triple the number of placed units, even though I left the unit count at the default 200, which also seems to indicate that a single placement module can only place so many units in a given area. Is that working as intended?

    Also thank you for the link to the Script Snippets section of the wiki, I didn't realize that it was there. I'm sure it will come in handy!

  3. Wed Aug 23 04:52:38 2017
    T thepackett started the conversation Increase Number of AI Available to Military Commanter.

    How do I increase the number of AI available to the Military Commander? I don't mean reinforcement counts, but rather increasing the number of AI, virtual or spawned, that the Military Commander can control.

    For example, I place down a Military Placement module at a single large base for Blufor and I place three Military Placement modules for Opfor at smaller locations. When I do this Opfor has three times the number of units on the field at a given time than Blufor regardless of how I set the unit counts, which is not my intention. How do I change this?

  4. Sun Aug 20 04:20:26 2017
    T thepackett joined the forum.