Last active 6 years ago
Project Opfor nonwithstanding, though, what's the proper place to put static weapons under the ALiVE groups? Should they spawn in any of them, provided I use a less broken set of assets, or do I need to set them exclusively as artillery?
Hello all!
As I was putting together a faction via the ORBATron (a derivative of the Project Opfor Middle Eastern Militia), I realized that I wanted to pad out their relatively weak equipment and lack of armored vehicles with some static weapon positions. I added a variety of static weapons to their available units (DShKMs, ZU-23-2s, etc.) and then was kind of stuck. I wasn't sure where I was supposed to put my static weapon positions/teams, insofar as I didn't want them to be as far back as most artillery, especially the machine guns and anti-tank weapons. After some deliberation with a friend, I build their squads within the Support Infantry subheading, however- after extensive testing and scouring the map several times over, my OpCom has only spawned normal infantry and motorized forces, as well as the non-static AA team I put under Support Infantry.
tl;dr- does static equipment have to go into artillery to be brought out by an ALiVE OpCom, or is it simply a problem with one of my OpCom's attributes?