

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Wed Oct 4 12:33:01 2017

    I've had a look at that script but as far as i can tell it's for changing the loadout of everything of the same class and i couldn't really get it to work with the RHS Su-25's, probably because i'm a scrub at scripting. But i had an idea, would it be possible to change the loadout of a specific plane with a trigger? If i place the trigger over where i spawn the plane?

  2. Tue Oct 3 17:45:10 2017

    Thank you!
    Yes, please add that, that would be amazing!

  3. Tue Oct 3 15:50:55 2017

    Is there some way to change the loadout of the vehicles spawned by alive then?

  4. Mon Oct 2 18:18:54 2017

    Vehicles in general, if i place an f/a 18 and change its pylon setup in the editor and make it virtualized by ALiVE it won't keep the setup when i start the mission, i'm guessing it's because ALiVE spawns its own aircraft in place of the one i placed in the editor.

  5. Mon Oct 2 17:11:41 2017
    N NukeNFighted started the conversation Pylon settings reset when ALiVE spawns the vehicle.

    Aircraft with customizable pylon setups do not keep their configuration when ALiVE Spawns the vehicle, is there a way to make the settings persistent through respawns?

  6. Sat Sep 23 10:24:49 2017
    N NukeNFighted posted in Problems with MACC.

    I added the VVS faction to the macc and AI commander and put down 2 su-25's and that made it work so i guess it needed an airplane then, the only problem i have now is soldiers patrolling on the runway and taxiway, is there anyway to blacklist areas for waypoints?

  7. Sat Sep 23 09:56:13 2017
    N NukeNFighted posted in Problems with MACC.

    Here's the RPT: https://pastebin.com/QVUWwEdX

    I'm using mi 24 helicopters from the VDV faction and i have VDV added in the AI Commander module and the MACC, does it need planes for CAP missions?

  8. Sat Sep 23 08:40:30 2017
    N NukeNFighted started the conversation Problems with MACC.

    I set up a mission on Tanoa with 2 AI commanders, 2 MACCs and 2 separate Airspace markers and i place some empty aircraft for the maccs to use but i either get "No aircraft available" or the MACC sends a CAS mission to 000000, even though it's outside the Airspace marker, what am i doing wrong? I'm using RHS Vehicles and factions

  9. Sat Sep 23 08:11:31 2017
    N NukeNFighted joined the forum.