Last active 7 years ago
I've had a look at that script but as far as i can tell it's for changing the loadout of everything of the same class and i couldn't really get it to work with the RHS Su-25's, probably because i'm a scrub at scripting. But i had an idea, would it be possible to change the loadout of a specific plane with a trigger? If i place the trigger over where i spawn the plane?
Thank you!
Yes, please add that, that would be amazing!
Is there some way to change the loadout of the vehicles spawned by alive then?
Vehicles in general, if i place an f/a 18 and change its pylon setup in the editor and make it virtualized by ALiVE it won't keep the setup when i start the mission, i'm guessing it's because ALiVE spawns its own aircraft in place of the one i placed in the editor.
Aircraft with customizable pylon setups do not keep their configuration when ALiVE Spawns the vehicle, is there a way to make the settings persistent through respawns?
I added the VVS faction to the macc and AI commander and put down 2 su-25's and that made it work so i guess it needed an airplane then, the only problem i have now is soldiers patrolling on the runway and taxiway, is there anyway to blacklist areas for waypoints?
Here's the RPT:
I'm using mi 24 helicopters from the VDV faction and i have VDV added in the AI Commander module and the MACC, does it need planes for CAP missions?
I set up a mission on Tanoa with 2 AI commanders, 2 MACCs and 2 separate Airspace markers and i place some empty aircraft for the maccs to use but i either get "No aircraft available" or the MACC sends a CAS mission to 000000, even though it's outside the Airspace marker, what am i doing wrong? I'm using RHS Vehicles and factions