Last active 8 years ago
ok solution for me was like this
connect to the server as admin and use #debug von
this should create a server_console_xxxx.log
there you can find some other ip ( make shure that it is not your local LAN or your public IP )
you tried this ?
yep exactly !
thank you again tuplov for guiding me throug all this and sorry again for spaming you with logs :D
ok solution for me was like this
connect to the server as admin and use #debug von
this should create a server_console_xxxx.log
there you can find some other ip ( make shure that it is not your local LAN or your public IP )
try these in war room server settings
restart server/mission, crossing fingers and hopefully you are connected to the DB
thanks again for your support !
kind regards
my solution for nitrado was somthing like that
do#debug von
as admin in game
then check the IP in server_console_xxxx.log
try this IP in the war room server settings and restart mission and check aliveserver log again
for me this IP solved the problem ( btw at nitrado this IP is not equal to the armaserverIP and ftpIP)
Hi Tupolov,
thank you very very much !
I will upload and test immediately!
I try to keep the debug report complete. Do you need other Debug reports from other modules (like "alive required") ?
I'm assuming Nitrado don't block outgoing HTTP?
Dont think so.
Is there a way to test it with a small script or so?
Shure! Thanks for your support !
first of all sorry for my poor english language abilitys. But i will try my best! :)
Ok lets start. We have some issues with connecting to the war room database.
I now startet to try it with the "Altis Template #4" for testing reason.
Normaly we would like to add a mission we created on ower own. But first i like to test.
Last year we had already a mission running which was able to connect to the war room.
Then after a long pause we setup a new server so we got a new ip adress.
In the Group Setting I have deleted the old Server entry and start over with a new Server with its new IP.
(Ok later on i deleted the group and created a new one with new tag, because of thinking beeing blacklisted or something)
But RPT still giving:
19:09:41 ALiVE [m_0|30] Module ALiVE_sys_data INIT 19:09:42 ALIVE_SYS_DATA START PLUGIN: ["StartALiVE","ERROR","You are not authorized to access ALiVE War Room with this account. Check IP and Groupname."] 19:09:42 ALiVE SYS_DATA - GROUP NAME: SGCom 19:09:42 ALiVE SYS_DATA_COUCHDB - READ DATA: SendJSON ['GET','sys_data/config',''] 19:09:42 ALiVE SYS_DATA_COUCHDB - READ DATA RESPONSE: {"_id":"config","_rev":"17-cb3b551a259c7ac29b81f0dc4cadba6c","On":"true","EventLevel":5,"PerfData":"true","EventData":"true","MissionData":null,"AAR":"false"} 19:09:42 ALiVE SYS_DATA_COUCHDB - RESTORE DATA BEGIN: 19:09:42 ------------------ Inspecting Hash -------------------- 19:09:42 k [0]: _id v: config 19:09:42 k [1]: _rev v: 17-cb3b551a259c7ac29b81f0dc4cadba6c 19:09:42 k [2]: On v: true 19:09:42 k [3]: EventLevel v: 5 19:09:42 k [4]: PerfData v: true 19:09:42 k [5]: EventData v: true 19:09:42 k [6]: MissionData v: null 19:09:42 k [7]: AAR v: false 19:09:42 ------------------ Inspection Complete -------------------- 19:09:42 ALiVE SYS_DATA_COUCHDB - RESTORE DATA END: 19:09:42 ------------------ Inspecting Hash -------------------- 19:09:42 k [0]: _id v: config 19:09:42 k [1]: _rev v: 17-cb3b551a259c7ac29b81f0dc4cadba6c 19:09:42 k [2]: On v: true 19:09:42 k [3]: EventLevel v: 5 19:09:42 k [4]: PerfData v: true 19:09:42 k [5]: EventData v: true 19:09:42 k [6]: MissionData v: 19:09:42 k [7]: AAR v: false 19:09:42 ------------------ Inspection Complete -------------------- 19:09:42 ALiVE SYS_DATA_COUCHDB - READ DATA RESULT: ["#CBA_HASH#",["_id","_rev","On","EventLevel","PerfData","EventData","MissionData","AAR"],["config","17-cb3b551a259c7ac29b81f0dc4cadba6c","true","5","true","true","","false"],any] 19:09:42 ALiVE SYS_DATA - CONFIG: ["#CBA_HASH#",["_id","_rev","On","EventLevel","PerfData","EventData","MissionData","AAR"],["config","17-cb3b551a259c7ac29b81f0dc4cadba6c","true","5","true","true","","false"],any] 19:09:42 ALiVE-1.078 CANNOT CONNECT TO DATABASE, DISABLING DATA MODULE 19:09:42 ALiVE [m_0|30] Module ALiVE_sys_data INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.861
(i like to paste the long rpt later)
the AliveServerLog tells me something like this:
[2015-10-29 19:09:41] [info] ALiVEPlugIn v2.0a-9563efa [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [StartALiVE ['true']] [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [debug] Function: StartALiVE [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [debug] Params: [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [debug] - [true] [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [info] Disable Performance Monitor: true [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [info] Reading 'alive.cfg' [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [info] Configuration found: C:\Users\nixxxx9_6\AppData\Local\ALiVE\alive.cfg [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [info] No URL in config. Using default. [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [info] Configuration 'alive.cfg' read OK. [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [debug] Alive Config: [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [debug] Type: JSON [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [debug] User: si3y4oneseha3ewujejivivoho7e5i8y [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [debug] Pass: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [debug] Group: SGCom [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [debug] URL: [2015-10-29 19:09:41] [info] Checking WarRoom access... [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [error] ###### HandleMessage - StartALiVE ###### [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [error] Error: You are note authorized to access ALiVE War Room with this account. Check IP and Groupname. [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [error] RAW: StartALiVE ['true'] [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] Return value [['StartALiVE','ERROR','You are not authorized to access ALiVE War Room with this account. Check IP and Groupname.']] [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 419.024ms [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [GroupName] [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] Function: GroupName [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] Params: [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet! [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [info] GroupName: SGCom [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] Return value [['SGCom']] [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 5.001ms [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSON ['GET','sys_data/config','']] [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] Function: SendJSON [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] Params: [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] - [GET] [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] - [sys_data/config] [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] - [] [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet! [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] Return value [['{"_id":"config","_rev":"17-cb3b551a259c7ac29b81f0dc4cadba6c","On":"true","EventLevel":5,"PerfData":"true","EventData":"true","MissionData":null,"AAR":"false"} ']] [2015-10-29 19:09:42] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 307.018ms
Our server is hosted by ...
... and as i told, we had already a persitant mission running there.
So the server setup is mostly identical only the ip has changed.
the server is running following:
Hardcoded by nitrado is the value
@AliveServer is fresh updated from the war room download link, also the alive.cfg is fresh loaded and placed in the arma3 main directory. also unlocked and everything suggested in the descrition. (seems that nitrado changing the alive.cfg path or you script doesnt report the correct position)
found this link somwhere in an old pastebin
Don't know if it helps but this returns 'true'.
Maybe nitrado doing somthing like IP masking or somthing that our ips doesnt match up
I found this. Maybe we are related to this problem:
but last post was:
Ok, partially fixed :)
Please can you retest.
So for us: test failed.
Any suggestions ? Any Ideas how we can find out the correct ip from within arma3 or any other suggestions what to change ?
first of all thanks for answering!
it was the complete oposite - but the problem now is been solved - myself messed up the respawn with the onPlayerRespawn.sqf ..
also i got confused by dublicating myself when fast disconnect and reconnect and also by dieing and fast dis/reconnecting - after some more testing now it works fine - just sometimes players dublicate themself when they have connection issues... for this dublicating "issue" i think it should be related to the time difference to the "cleardeadbody functions"
but thanks for trying to understand my confusing brain farts ! :D
i don't know if it fits your needs but anyway .. tryed this ?
[] call ALIVE_fnc_createProfilesFromUnitsRuntime;
Profiling all non profiled units on the map