Last active 7 years ago
@HeroesandvillainsOS Regarding the helicopters spawning in bad positions, I recommend not using the rotary wing option in the categorization liberally (not saying you did, just saying it’s a possibility). If there’s any shadow of a doubt there isn’t ample room at all locations during the preview before you select the objective type, I err on the side of caution and don’t allow rotary wing (players can always manually add their own helicopters in the editor).
As far as buttons to press for any button, I like the up arrow. :)
For h-barriers I almost never select any object like that. I always blacklist them. The idea is, just the general area needs the Military Objective. So a building or a bunker. That’s enough for the systems to work. Less is more in this case IMO.
It's not helicopters that seem to spawn in bad position, but fixed wing aircraft. They spawn sideways on the air-strip itself (and often right in the middle of the strip.) I imagine this may be a fault of the map as well in some way.
I use the up arrow (as instructed on the wiki) in the game after object categorization and such. However on the CMD window with DeWrp it seems 3 enter key hits does the trick.
The map I was working on loved to give me a bunch of different wall objects and h-barriers, I wouldn't select them myself. Blacklisting them is something I thought I should do (since they're not buildings after all) however after experiencing the failure of appropriate termination in the static objects file, I had thought that it wasn't really necessary to blacklist them specifically and favored not marking them to try and keep a smaller file, as to hopefully prevent that bug. Things like ketchup bottles that provide no function are what I imagine need blacklisting, but I don't know if there's a downside to not marking objects used as walls/cover
though, so if you know if there is, that'd be a welcome tip.
@marceldev89 Couple of options here.
1 - Try switching the indexing module to Windows 7 or 10 mode
2 - Try running the DeWrp command without redirecting to a file and check if the output contains anything meaningfulDeWrp.exe -O "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Tembelan Island\Addons\Tembelan.pbo"3 - Try running the DeWrp command with redirection to a file and check if the file contains anything meaningful
DeWrp.exe -O "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Tembelan Island\Addons\Tembelan.pbo" > "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE\indexing\tembelan\x\alive\addons\fnc_strategic\indexes\objects.tembelan.sqf"4 - Verify that you're using the DeWrp version provided on the wiki (that one is known to work and I don't think DeWrp is still distributed by Mikero as a free tool)
Should have stated that I guess, running W7. Tried anyway, DeWrp still failed to start, log didn't mention running a command though on W10 indexing (that intended?)
I tried running DeWrp through the command without redirect, it spat out the intended output, of objects and their locations it seems.
Tried redirecting to the file, and I notice the file ended short. Which was rather peculiar to me. I tried running it a few different times and it would always run short.
I followed the wiki to a T, so I know the DeWrp tool I have is from the wiki.
I DID end up getting it to work however. After realizing that DeWrp was ending the file short, I tried to delete the file and try again, but it wouldn't let me delete it until I closed the CMD window (even though I had pressed any key and was at yet another prompt.)
What I found out is, that after DeWrp claims its done in CMD and to "press any key", you have to press a key 3-4 times (I chose enter) before it'll finish writing out the file, which is confirmed by seeing " //closing wrp...done " at the end of the file.
After that running the map indexing at the map screen again brought me to object categorization. I did run into the bug however where a particular section/list doesn't complete/terminate properly as well. Would be nice to see that fixed as after categorization I was lucky that the thing that didn't terminate failed right at the "." so I knew from the above entries that it was probably the file extension and termination of the entry.
In the end, the map got indexed however planes like to spawn in the middle of air-strips and not everything is registering as it should in theory, however I'll probably just have to keep experimenting with the indexing process to see how to improve it. Not blacklisting/marking h-barriers and walls though helps to keep the list a little smaller, and hopefully if small enough, safe from the early termination bug as well.
@HeroesandvillainsOS I realize this isn’t useful but maps can be within the !Workshop folder, just make sure to define the path properly in the module (!Workshop\@map\blah...)
I always use @ALiVE from the Arma root though.
I figured that would have worked, however when nothing was working I was making absolutely sure that everything was in optimal straits.
Still can't get DeWrp to run at the map screen, but at least I found a working solution to my problem. Thanks for your suggestions and replies!
I've been working a few days now to figure out why I can't get map indexing to work. I've followed the wiki to the letter, but have been running into a brick wall.
I've ensured BattlEye is disabled in the launcher.
I've ensured all AV software is disabled during the process.
I've ensured that ALiVE and the map are both in the Arma 3 Base directory and that I've loaded them and not the workshop versions in the launcher.
I've made sure that ALiVEClient.dll and alive_object_blacklist.txt are in the @ALiVE folder.
I've got Mikero's tools on my drive, unblocked, and made sure the directory they're contained in has been added to the PATH variable, tested by running dewrp.exe --help in cmd.
I've downloaded the "scripts" and ensured they're at C:\Users\*username*\My Documents\Arma 3 and even C:\Users\*username*\My Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\*Game name*
I start the game with CBA_A3, ALiVE, and the map loaded, battlEye disabled, and that Enable File-Patching is checked in the parameters section of the launcher.
After the game gets to the menu, I use BareTail to monitor the rpt file.
I goto the editor, select the map, load in, place down an ammo bearer and map indexer module (configuring it to the pbo of the map as related to the Arma 3 directory.)
I save the game as index.
I load into the game.
I open the map, zoom all the way out, and initiate the map indexer.
It fails.
rpt logs:
18:02:18 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Starting indexing for Tembelan map 18:02:18 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Creating a list of objects (excluding blacklist) 18:02:18 CallExtension loaded: ALiVEClient (D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE\ALiVEClient_x64.dll) [・ナCヨ)ヒBsロナC] 18:02:18 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There was a problem, exiting indexing: ERROR with deWrp
log.txt in the @ALiVE\indexing folder logs:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Starting Map Index for tembelan on 2018-02-03 18:07:51 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pathToMap: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Tembelan Island\Addons\Tembelan.pbo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> root: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> folder: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE\indexing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logfile: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE\indexing\tembelan\log.txt >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indexfile: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE\indexing\tembelan\x\alive\addons\fnc_strategic\indexes\objects.tembelan.sqf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parsedIndexfile: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE\indexing\tembelan\x\alive\addons\fnc_strategic\indexes\parsed.objects.tembelan.sqf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blacklist file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE\alive_object_blacklist.txt Executing deWrp: cmd.exe /c DeWrp.exe -O "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Tembelan Island\Addons\Tembelan.pbo" > "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE\indexing\tembelan\x\alive\addons\fnc_strategic\indexes\objects.tembelan.sqf" deWrp Error
Aside from the logs being relatively unhelpful (not stating what the error is other than theres a "problem") I try running the command the log.txt file tries to run and it completes without error, I press the up arrow key upon seeing "Press the ANY key" promt, and tab back into Arma, nothing happens, try to initiate map indexing again and the game crashes with a systemException.IO.IOException; logs to rpt
Exception code: E0434352 at FCD9A06D cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1231 v3 @ 3.40GHz graphics: D3D11, Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 resolution: 2560x1440x32 Addons: [...] Mods: A3;curator;kart;heli;mark;expansion;jets;argo;orange;tacops;dlcbundle;dlcbundle2;@ALiVE;@Tembelan Island;@CBA_A3 Distribution: 0 Version 1.80.143869 Fault time: 2018/02/03 18:40:30 Fault address: FCD9A06D 00:FCD9A06D Unknown module file: index world: Tembelan Prev. code bytes: 00 89 4C 24 38 48 8D 4C 24 20 FF 15 33 02 03 00 Fault code bytes: 48 81 C4 C8 00 00 00 C3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 =======================================================
I'm at a loss of what to do, and would appreciate any assistance someone could provie.