

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Fri Dec 30 18:22:33 2016
    D drredfox posted in Stuck on Saving .

    Yes, finally works! Thank you.

    But I found another bug (?). Player Logistics breaks the save process. Removing from the mission solves the problem. See picture and log:

    Again, thanks.

  2. Fri Dec 30 12:13:30 2016
    D drredfox posted in Stuck on Saving .

    Mission files: http://s000.tinyupload.com/download.php?file_id=93079812013470055764&t=9307981201347005576438577

    Thanks for your time.

  3. Thu Dec 29 20:17:47 2016
    D drredfox posted in Stuck on Saving .

    @marceldev89 All your links to logs seem dead. Anyway, check the aliveplugin log file (should be in @aliveserver).

    It just takes a while to load. Anyway:
    · ALiVE Plugin: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/a5ff745d935e83a7760a167daa8d1856
    · Server .rpt: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/915dc38061f583338f289fc19fde0ec3

  4. Thu Dec 29 17:29:48 2016
    D drredfox posted in Stuck on Saving .

    Still no luck. I've tried the following:

    · Make a fresh new mission in Tanoa just with CBA and ALiVE. The saving screen appears, but it gets stuck on "ALiVE Persistence - Saving Data - Please Wait"
    · Make a new mission on Altis with CBA and ALiVE. The saving screen doesn't shows when I press the Server Save and Exit. "Server Save" and "Player Exit" works fine. On the second attempt, finally saved.
    · Sample mission "Operation Landlord" saves.

    Any idea?

  5. Wed Dec 28 18:36:05 2016
    D drredfox posted in Stuck on Saving .


    I've tested the sample mission "Operation Landlord" just with CBA and ALiVE and the saving process works flawlessly.
    So it's time to look for the addon that mess with ALiVE saves.

    With the full set of addons that I usually use, the mission "Operation Landlord" saves progress, so...still no clue.

  6. Tue Dec 27 14:46:05 2016
    D drredfox started the conversation Stuck on Saving .


    I'm having issues with the saving feature of ALiVE. I've made a simple mission for my group of ArmA (just a few groups on a 2x2km AO) and everything is working fine, but, when I press the "Server Save & Exit" button, it shows the message "ALiVE Persistence - Saving Data - Please Wait". After an hour, still no change. It seems it's stuck on a loop.
    Reloading the mission confirms that no data has been saved.

    In the past, the persistance has worked fine in my server. Except for a few addons, the setup of the server it's the same. This is what I've done until now:
    · Double-checked the modules
    · Changed pbo name and onLoadMission text
    · Reinstalled @ALiVE and @ALiVEServer
    · Checked addons versions

    Probably I've missed something, so here's my pbo, server rpt and ALiVE plugin report:
    · ALIVE report: http://chopapp.com/#dc47pqj0
    · Server rpt: http://chopapp.com/#7bqyz4bb
    · Mission pbo: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=00071268203946198616 (I use a lot of addons, but mission only needs ACE, CBA, ALIVE and TFAR)

    Thanks for your time.

  7. 9 years ago
    Mon Nov 30 12:57:01 2015
    D drredfox started the conversation ALiVE markers not showing to JIP players.

    As the title says, when we use the ALiVE markers and/or SITREPs, SPOTREPs and PATROLREPs, the markers can't be seen by Join In Progress players.
    They can be seen only by the players who are connected at the start of the session (no matter if the mission it's a new one or loaded from Persistence).

    Everything else it's working perfectly (persistence data, warroom, etc...).
    We use several mods, including ACE3, RHS, ASR_AI, AiA...the most popular, and the last versions of ALiVE and plugin.

    These are the rpt from server, player, and JIP player (in a zip file, too big for pastebin):

  8. Thu Oct 29 16:02:43 2015

    Ok, thanks.

  9. Thu Oct 29 15:49:31 2015
    D drredfox started the conversation Blacklist installation buildings in assymetric?.


    In Takistan, the street lamps are recognized as a building, so the asymetric commander assings them as Installations (HQ, IED factories...).
    Can we blacklist houses and buildings for the asymetric commander in a staticData.sqf?


  10. Mon Sep 14 13:43:52 2015
    D drredfox started the conversation Auto-save server progress?.


    I've setup my dedicated servers to restart every night at 0500, but doing this, the ALiVE mission isn't persistent (unless a manual "Server save & Exit").

    So, the question is, is there any way to save server data automatically?


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