

Last active 3 years ago

  1. 3 years ago
    Thu Apr 29 13:51:49 2021
    H Hedberg started the conversation Persistence on dedi.


    I just tested out the persistence. It'd be nice to save our progress and continue where we left off. One way to do this is to have persistence = 1 in desc.ext, but this results in us not being able to play anything else than the current scenario - and if something were to happen to that scenario, poof, gone.

    So I setup the persistence, and it works fine in local host (through server browser). I put the data to local from cloud. When I host the scenario I get an infobox to the top-right which says it found alive savedata and will load it and it all works perfectly.

    In dedicated however (rented server), when I exit the game through the Alive save & exit (admin) -option, I get the tablet and it turns blackn'white and gives me the "game saved" and all of that. But how do I load that said save? When I host the scenario it just starts over from the start.

    Any ideas?

  2. 5 years ago
    Sun Apr 28 11:42:53 2019
    H Hedberg started the conversation OPCOM waypoints.

    Okay, so basically I want to create a scenario where the surrounding enemy AI Commander makes his troops move into a small area held by enemy forces (which I'm playing at).

    But as I place Mil & Civ Modules that spawn the surrounding enemy, their first orders are to move into those objectives they spawn at. It's like they spawn there, but the OPCOM doesn't realize they've already captured it as they spawn there. This is really time consuming from the start of the scenario. This was on Lythiym, but shouldn't really matter as long as the Modules work fine and spawn the Ai.

    Any thoughts, or is this just normal?

  3. 6 years ago
    Wed Feb 20 17:42:51 2019
    H Hedberg posted in CAS not working.

    Oh and sorry for double posting, but I don't have CAS option in the app menu anymore, only accessable via ACE interaction.

  4. Wed Feb 20 17:17:50 2019
    H Hedberg posted in CAS not working.

    @HeroesandvillainsOS Are you sure the planes and helicopters that are spawning have (a) units manning the guns and most importantly (b) have guns in general that the AI can fire?

    Best way to test this is in the editor without using ALiVE at all. Plonk down some units, and some enemies and set some waypoints and see how the AI behaves.

    Well it's the way and planes I've always used. I had RHS' planes, which I've always used, F-22, A-10, Su-24, MiG... Also Mi24 choppers. They did work when used without ALiVE.

  5. Sat Feb 16 16:29:10 2019
    H Hedberg started the conversation CAS not working.


    I encountered a weird problem. My CAS does nothing. With SAD or Attack Run they just fly around (planes) and loiter (helicopter). With loiter option the same thing happens, naturally, but they never engage. I've made sure it's set to "Fire at will, engage at will". And I know how it should work because I've used the same CAS setup plenty of times.. Anyone encountering this aswell?

    Another unrelated problem is that for some reason neither CUP_O_TK nor CFP's Syrian Arab army works..

  6. Sun May 20 08:58:51 2018
    H Hedberg posted in VCom and ALiVE.

    @RedeyeStorm I will check soon. I have Vcom through Steam so it should update automatically.

    There's a line of code in the wiki that you need to place in init-file, which is accessable inside the "general" tab within Eden editor. It has worked for me (or I've been lucky), haven't noticed any CAS or Transports being controlled by VCOM. Here's the code, down the page:


  7. Sat May 19 11:13:27 2018
    H Hedberg posted in VCom and ALiVE.

    @JD_Wang After about a week of testing it as I built our lated campaign, I can safely say this is the best AI script hands down. Genesis did an amazing job with the rewrite.

    Totally agreed.

  8. Wed May 16 10:16:19 2018
    H Hedberg posted in VCom and ALiVE.

    3.0 seems stunning to me. I'm fairly experienced with leading an AI group, and I've had VCOM on always but 3.0 just blew my mind off. The AI with its movement, using covers and everything seemed so brilliant. This might be my imagination but @JD_Wang seemed to enjoy it aswell, so maybe it's not lol. Really made my day and I found out leading AI to be actually fun and interesting for a change.

  9. Wed May 16 10:06:20 2018
    H Hedberg posted in How do you guys set up your AOs?.

    @HeroesandvillainsOS Well unless you enjoy that type of thing, I typically don’t want friendly AI constantly interfering with my operations too much, so I do what AuTigerGrad does and usually limit them to medium or larger objectives only. Or for another example, I’ll sometimes let them do whatever they want even at smaller military objectives and leave the civ objs to me. That kind of thing. But as he said, balancing takes time and experimentation.

    I discussed previously about duplicate objectives and this filter issue. How do you manage to make friendly AI aware of "medium or larger objectives only" without having duplicate objectives?

  10. Wed May 16 10:01:27 2018
    H Hedberg posted in syncing asymetric objectives?.

    @FireDragon76 I'm still a little confused about the nuances of syncing objectives.

    So was I, and I was very worried about syncing them because I didn't completely understand this stuff. And f.e I actually thought that "blacklist marker" meant that the troops spawning via that placement module won't proceed to the blacklisted TAOR, lol.

    Well to simplify; syncing an objective into AI Commander makes the Commander aware of the objectives the objective module you just synced has. So if you'd want a scenario with BLUFOR attacking OPFOR positions, you wouldn't want to sync OPFOR AI Commander into the Blufor placement modules, but you would want to sync OPFOR placement modules into BLUFOR Commander. Comprende?

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