Last active 5 years ago
That's what I told them (rather forcefully), but hopefully we can get one small campaign done. I'm using AuburnAlumni's Lythium mission as a template, and after that I'll try and get everyone to switch over again.
I always confuse LOP with Project OPFOR :P The group I'm making missions for is dead set on using Lythium. I personally would much rather use CLAfhgan or even Takistan, but can't convince everyone else of the fact that Lythium and ALiVE don't play nice.
You have no idea how badly I would LOVE to use another map, but everyone else in the group is dead set on using it no matter how many times I tell them it doesn't work well with ALiVE. I've seen that mission before making this thread and would love to play it, but trying to make everyone switch off of Lythium is a pain in my rear.
Hey guys so here goes. I'm working on starting an infantry unit, we've got a great base and and good solid group of people to start with. I'm looking for the classic ArmA 2 ACE Insurgency. I downloaded the ALiVE insurgency template ( ), but when moving this mission to Lythium the intel spawns are EVERYWHERE! I really need help restricting an area for the caches and intel drop to spawn (IE the SE quadrant) or if someone can help me make the mission from scratch I would really really appreciate it!
Thanks guys
Not to bump an old thread, but if you are still taking requests I would love to see an RHS: USAF force against a Leights OpFor Middle Eastern Militia on Lythium in a classic ACE 2 Insurgency Cache Hunt mission :)