Last active 6 years ago
Uhm... ok looks like putting that code I mentioned above in init.sqf actually resolved it...
Hi guys! I'm using ALiVE for creating insurgency mission which relies on limited weapons and ammo.
I've defined "respawnOnStart = -1;" in description.ext so player would be able to spawn on his last position after he did "Player exit".
And if player position is persistent after player reconnect there is his copy dead body with all his gear, which making loophole for looting :)
Anyone know how to defeat that so players would reconnect and be placed on their last position but without dead body copy close to them, which they can loot?
I was suggested by this handler: private _id = addMissionEventHandler ["HandleDisconnect", {deleteVehicle (_this select 0)}];
but where to put it? Into init.sqf ?
PS I never was much into ARMA 3 mission editing, just digging it mostly last week, but everything works so far. So I may not know some basic things...