

Last active 2 years ago

  1. 4 years ago
    Sun Apr 5 22:24:16 2020

    Hello there! Sorry, there was no reply for so long in this thread I didn't think there was going to be some.
    I believe @JD_Wang replied in my reddit post, too?

    @RagcBaker and @arismagic : I am using Military placement (Civ. Obj) and (Mil. Obj), 100% readiness, no funky stuff, and no headless client. I am using my own factions, but I tested and confirmed the behaviour described in my OP with NATO and CSAT. I turned off Ambient guards because to me it appears that this spawns **additional** troops, that are not counted towards the limit set in the placement module.

  2. 5 years ago
    Sat Mar 14 21:51:46 2020
    S stu13 started the conversation units spawning in buildings and not leaving.

    Hey there!
    I am currently building a mission in which i want a lot of "roaming" ALiVE units. For that, I used Opfor and Indfor Military AI commanders, set on Invasion and let them both spawn at basically random objectives over whole Chernarus (CUP).
    The problem I have is pretty much in the title, the units spawn, but they spawn in buildings, and they dont move out of them although they have waypoints attached to them. You can see this in the screenshot here:

    I set up the AI commander to have NO ambient guards, there is no CQB module on the map. I dont understand why they spawn in buildings to begin with? Can anybody help, or at least shine some light on this?

    Thanks so much!

  3. Wed Apr 3 17:48:45 2019

    Thank you guys for the reply. The problem was that the airfield was not occupied by blue. once i spawned some blue units there, the reds picked up and attacked. cheers!

  4. 6 years ago
    Sun Mar 24 00:09:50 2019

    Hello everyone! I am sorry if this is a ridiculously stupid question, but I am new to ALiVE mission making, and this problem drives me crazy for days already.

    I am building a mission for some friends, which starts with a bit of a story mode, and then develops into a more dynamic campaign.
    What I have done is place an OPFOR Military AI commander (set to invasion mode) and a synced military placement custom objective north of the Airfield in Chernarus (in the Eden Editor). These work perfectly, units are spawned and since there is no objective to capture, they patrol the area. I also created a trigger that checks if a certain AI has been killed. Once it has, it executes the following code, which i found on the wiki (script snippets; Add a Custom OPCOM Objective):

    if (isServer) then {{[_x,"addObjective", ["airfield_obj", [4710.93,10224.409,0], 700, "MIL", 200] ] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM; } foreach OPCOM_INSTANCES};

    To my understanding, this code should create another military placement military objective (on the airfield actually), which is recognized and synced by every other Military AI commander on the map, and therefore attacked (basically as revenge that the uppermentioned AI has been killed). This doesnt happen though. In debug mode I can see a marker (EAST #airfield_obj) being created at the airfield location, but the OPFPR units in the north continue only patrolling, and do not attack the new objective.

    What am I doing wrong here? the only thing i can think of is that the objective is somehow already considered to be occupied by OPFOR (since it for some reason is called EAST)?

  5. Sat Mar 23 23:08:22 2019
    S stu13 joined the forum.